[Chapter 28]

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Freya stared blankly at the dirt with puffy, red eyes. The remnants of tears were fresh on her rosy cheeks, but the girl made no move to wipe away the evidence of her crying session. The brunette was still lost in her mind, thinking about her journey and the conversation she had with her friends as she walked aimlessly down the paved path.

While she didn't indulge in her thoughts with the mages and jester, Freya felt regretful for speaking her mind with a certain thief. If she knew that he would react that way, she would've let those thoughts remain in her head, circulating and twisting until the end of her time. And she already made a resolve to act as if nothing happened, even going as far as to create space between her and Erik if it became uncomfortable.

Did the thought make her heart throb in pain? Absolutely, but it would be a small price for the sake of the group's happiness in the end. Plus, she needs to focus on her Luminary duties for the safety of Erdrea. She can swallow her sadness and live with what remains of her love for the world when the time comes. Yggdrasil has plans greater than Freya now, and the Luminary must abide by whatever She wishes upon her.

"Lady Eleanor..."

Freya paused mid step as a soft voice entered her hearing. Looking up from the ground, she noticed Jade standing a few feet ahead. Her head was craned toward the silvery moon and a solemn frown graced her features. The teen took a step forward, but she jumped as the woman spun on her heels suddenly.

"Who's there!?" Jade gasped, snapping her head towards the brunette's direction. Her fierce gaze softened considerably upon realizing it was Freya.

"I-It's just me, Freya!" The girl stammered while she took a tentative step back. She raised her hands up, waving them frantically in front of body as panic seeped in her countenance. "S-Sorry, was I interrupting something...?"

"You weren't supposed to see that...I was just thinking about Lady Eleanor..." Jade said. She reached a hand up to brush away a few tears from her amethyst eyes before realization sank in. She let out a sheepish smile, stammering slightly at her little blunder. "I-I mean, your mother..."

"O-Oh..." Freya mumbled, dropping her gaze down to the ground. Jade eyed the teen carefully, immediately taking note of the dried tears and quivering lips. A wave of sympathy wafted over the woman as she looked at how Freya seemed to curl into herself, reminding Jade of herself years ago.

"Why don't we take a little walk?" Jade suggested after a few moments. Freya glanced up at the older woman and nodded slowly. Jade shot the Luminary a comforting smile and tilted her head down the path. Together, the two traveled down the dirt road. Silence fell over the couple, yet it was neither awkward nor pleasant. Just a somber quiet as they had retreated back into their own thoughts for a couple of minutes.

"H-Hey, Jade? Do you mind telling me about...my mum? I mean, my real mum," Freya piped up, earning Jade's attention. The fighter glanced at the younger girl, watching her fiddle with the purple fabric that rested on her stomach. "You seem really fond of her and I just wanted to know what kind of person she was,"

"Well, my mother was rather a sickly soul by all accounts. She died not long after I was born..." Jade started, slowing to a stop. Freya stood to her side, listening attentively while the woman had a nostalgic twinkle in her distant stare. "So in a sense, Lady Eleanor was the only real mother I ever knew. She used to read me stories, take me flower-picking...I loved her so much,"

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