Chapter 4: What is Striker doing?

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Striker POV

"So that's what happened to your arm?" Toxin asked me as I poured her some coffee. "Yeah. I was wondering since you're the one more advanced in biological stuff, that maybe you could help me figure something out." I admitted. For now I was starting to get used to the one arm. But I still hated it. I looked at Toxin as she examined the wrapped up...... Nub? Not sure what to call it at this point.

"I might be able to come up with something. But I'll have to take a little trip. I can take Carnage with me-" I cut her short. "No need. I have a team that can go with you.". She took a second to wrap her head around that. "Striker honey, this is really only a two person job.". I was about to say something only to hear.

"Aw. Couples trouble already?". We then both looked over to the doorway to see Carnage out of costume. "The difference between you in and out of costume is almost intimidating." I say thinking how he could be so polite. "Carnage-" he then puts up his finger and says "No no no. I'm not Carnage right now. Say my name."

She then starts thinking. "Right. Leo. What are you doing here?" Maria asked as she looked at him. "Just wanted let you know we're about to go out to the restaurant I work at and wanted to know if you want to come with?". I looked at the time and said "Sure. Why not.".

*at Revenets base*

"Come on! Use those flames!" Jack yelled to Blaze as he was continuously blasting fire at a target. They had been working nonstop to help Blaze with his fire. "Can we take a break?" Blaze said huffing. "Fine. But we continue in an hour. We need to get you trained up for next week. This way you can help your teammates.". It was annoying but he had no choice in the matter.

*3 hours later*

"Hey Striker." Leo said walking over. "We found another one of your friends, but we'll need to make a few stops to get the parts needed.". I started drinking something and asked "Who is it?". "I think its some guy name Sound Riot-" I then choked on my drink and spat it out. "I'm sorry.... WHAT!?!?!? Sound Riot! Now!". To be honest Sound Riot isn't a bad guy but I would've preferred anyone else first.

".... Before you go for him wait a little bit. He'll be ready for his incoming rescue once he gets word that Toxin is out. So next weekend.". If Sound Riot is next for rescue then their gonna need some very strong earplugs.

Sorry it's a short chapter today guys! Next up after this will be another bit on the powers and.... The Rest of Crimson!

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