Chapter 5: Oh My Sweet Destruction

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Jack POV

"Hello? Jacob?" I said driving to the destruction faction.

"Hey bro! My factions on full alert ever since Toxin escaped. And we both know how that will end up!"

"Yeah, yeah. When we get there I'll have Blaze this time-"

"You know how we do things at the destruction faction,"

"I swear if you do that dumb motto-"

"Domination and extermination, We'll bring about your inevitable Destruction!"

*At the Destruction faction dungeon*

Hades starts walking into his dungeon to what would be considered a giant bird cage, hanging over a large pit. Inside it is a 30 year old individual, with 20 chains wrapping him to the ground, and a muzzle over his mouth. 

"Oh Sound Riot~" Hades said walking over. "Your Crimson friends are coming together! They've only got Toxin so far.... But know that if I have to use my powers, I'll kill you.".


Third POV

As they started driving into the base they see that its living quarters look like that of a boarding school and there is a lot of fighting equipment. "ARE THOSE GUNS!!!!" Blaze yells as he looks at some of the equipment. "Oh just wait until you see the wrecking ball." Jack said. "WHY DO THEY NEED A WRECKING BALL!!!!!!". So yeah the destruction base is literally a death hazard. Explosives? Yes. Guns? Yes sir! Unbelievable death traps? Who doesn't have them!!!!

Once they step out the car they see Hades waiting for them in his signature dark blue tux. "I already know the rules!" He says to them. "Jacob your so destructive if they don't come back with at least a few bruises then they're just extremely lucky. I'll be back in a week to take them back alive."

Once he leaves Hades looks at them and smiles devilishly. "Alright kids! Work starts immediately!" Hades says. They all get confused until a energy barrier goes around them that's 20 feet in diameter. "First thing...." He says as his arms and eyes light up with dark blue smoke coming from them. "Take me down!!!!!!". Right after those words he starts launching balls of smoke at them and creating giant tentacles of it, trying to smash them into the ground. At some point they get behind a fire wall that Phoenix made and get down.

"Okay! He is a lot worse than we thought!" Ghost says dusting herself off. "When Jack said that their the big three, he wasn't kidding! This guy really lives up to the title Hades!" Tremor says covering his fist in stone. Unknown to them, one of Hades teams is watching from a bench. The thorn haired girl (From the party in book one) is drinking some water while staring at the match going on. "Hey Zero, how much you wanna bet their gonna get smoked?". She says this to a guy that's 3'4, white hair, white silver colored eyes, grey shorts and short sleeve, and is just sitting there drawing. 

He then looks up and instead of just talking, puts up five fingers. "And you windy boy?". (Silver haired boy with the same outfit and same colored eyes as Aira and same height) looks at her and just smiles. "I think that I don't care. It's all just entertainment to me!". He then takes a closer look at Hurricane and says "Besides. that lady there, she might stand a chance."

"Hurricane now!" Says blaze lowering his fire wall. A stone covered figure starts running towards Hades from the smoke. "Noobs." he says slamming a batch of smoke into it. "What the?!" he says only seeing a pile of rubble. From behind him Hurricane launches herself at him with some pink chains of lightning. While running towards him Phoenix use his fire to boost her as she wraps the chain around him, shocking him in the process.

He then rips of the chain and the barrier disappears. "That.... was.... AWESOME!!!!" he says to their surprise. "It's been a while since I've felt a rush like that! We should do it again sometime!". They all start giving there no's as the Hades team comes over. The silver haired boy starts clapping his hands slowly as he walks over. "Well done, well done! Pay up you two~" he says as his teammates pay him five bucks. "Hey.... do I know you from some-" Aira stops in her tracks as he takes off his hood.

"Although I should expect this, speaking as-" Aira walks over to him almost crying. "Aiden!" she says hugging him. "Hey sis. How are you doing-" He gets cut short with a punch to the gut. "The hug was for the fact that your here! And that was for making me think you were dead!" she said in a more stern tone. "Yeah I deserve that one." He says in a rasped tone from the hit. "How are you alive? I thought dad would have killed you once I left!". He then stands up and says "While true that he was pissed, he found that I still had my uses.".

Everyone was just giving them a questioning look. "Oh right!" Aira said looking at them. "Everyone, this is my twin brother Aiden! Aiden, this is Blaze, Spinnette, and Erin. My group!". He then smile and looks back at her. "How did you even end up here?" She asked looking in his eyes. "It was a 2 years after you left. I was a bit fed up with our dear old dad, and then I made a break for it. Though, once I did I.... kinda, sorta, maybe.... jumped, off a bridge.". She then punches him again resulting in a oof from him. "Okay. Okay. After I did, right before I hit the water, Jacob used his smoke to save my life. That same year I'm introduced to my team, and the rest is history.".

"And to finish that up. This is Nora and Zero." he said gesturing towards his teammates. Zero just waves and smiles and Nora says "hello!". Hades walks over and says "Your brother was a quick learner and seemed to have a lot of potential! So who would want to waste that?" he says jokingly. "If you four want, you can join us with our watch tonight." Says Aiden. "If anything goes on, you can let lose without any remorse. The guy we're watching is from Crimson, so alert us immediately if you see anything suspicious!".

*On guard duty*

"Hey bro?" Aira ask. "Yeah?" responds Aiden tossing a throwing knife up and down, catching it by the handle each time. "So whats the deal with Zero? I've noticed he's pretty quiet.". He catches it again and puts it in a strap by his ankle. "That would be because Zero can't. Since he can't he'll use drawings or write to talk.". After she said that she got the feeling that there was something else. "What's wrong bro?". He stayed silent for a moment. "It's ironic because: His dad is Sound Riot.". Aira was at a loss for words. That kid?! Sound Riot?! "Yeah I know. He's one of the only people Sound Riot won't attack. They care for one another, and oddly enough have no beef with each other.".

"....So his father is a bad guy whose voice is his strongest weapon.... And Zero doesn't have one?" Aira asked hoping to understand the situation. "Pretty much-" They are then interrupted by Zero running over waving his arms. "Zero! what is it?" He then starts writing on a little white notepad and shows them. "Whats he saying!" Aira ask. "It's his dad.... He's getting bust out!".

Oh boy! Get ready cause I adjusted some things and There will now be 7 Crimson Elites minus Striker, Toxin, and now Sound Riot!

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