Chapter 9: Recluse

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Sound Riot POV

"I want to both laugh and cry at the same time." I said as they all walked in clutching their ears. "Why are they still ringing!" I hear Carnage yell as he starts banging his head against the wall. "Ringing?" I ask as Striker walks in and sits down. "Yes Victor. RINGING! Your kid isn't as silent as you thought.". I almost choked at that. "I- he- WHAT?!" I yell. Zero can't talk, or even speak for that matter. "Yeah your kid just screamed us to oblivion." Said Frostbite putting ice on her head. I took a minute to process that and then said something that I would probably regret later. "THAT'S MY BOY!!!!!!" I shouted causing them all to turn their heads towards me.

"What? Can't a father be proud?" I ask as they all face palm.

Blaze POV

After the 'fight' with Striker everyone was just staring at me. "What?". Aira gets riled up and says "What? WHAT?! What were you thinking?! That little stunt you pulled just got our asses kicked and almost killed!" She yells at me as we're driving back to the destruction base. "Oh come on! Zero what do you think?" I plead as he turns to me. He just echos and says "That little stunt------ got our asses kicked.". Erin suppressed a laugh as him and Zero fist bumped. 

"You too Zero!" I say hoping for a window to open so that I can just jump out of it. Spinnette interrupted us and said "Hey guys. I might know someone who can help us.". At this we all turn our heads. Nora looks at her and says "And who might that be?". Spinnette then starts to get nervous and sighs. "Well she's a good friend of mine and may or may not.... Be one of Hades enemies....". I'm glad we pulled into the driveway because at those words he immediately stops the car screeching to a stop.

"Oh no! Not that annoying spider! Also enemies isn't the right word. More like mutual hatred for each oth-" he gets cut of as a large metal spider leg picks up the car. Once we get out of it we look up to see dark skinned old women sitting on the roof with a dark oak cane, and is about 4'10, gray hair that reaches down to her shoes (boots) and she was wearing a brown coat with little shades on. She then jumped down off the roof and two of those spider legs came out of her back and caught her on the way down.

"So.... These are the ones you're working with?" She ask in an old voice looking at Spinnette. she walks past us and goes over to Jacob. She then smiles and says "Hello Jacob.". He just looks away and doesn't move. "What? Got nothing to say to your teacher?". "TEACHER?!" we all say except Spinnette. Spinnette walks in front of us and says "Everyone, meet Recluse! She was Jacobs old teacher, and Strikers natural predator!". I was jaw dropped at the fact an old lady- "Oof!" I say getting hit in the gut by her cane. "I may be old but I can kick your ass sonny." she says towards me.

Spinnette POV

"Like I said, she's his teacher." I say shrugging. I was surprised they haven't heard of her. "My code name is Recluse, but you can call me Rena. Spinnette said she needed my help so of course I came to her aid." She said. "And I can see why. The only one here who looks battle ready is the 10 year old and he's not even got a proper code name yet!". From the look on their faces I could tell that, that one hurt. "Hades bring your ass! You're going to be the test dummy." She says as we turn to see Jacob trying to sneak away. 

*the next day*

We were all wearing a special element resistant vest and clothing and were in a dome area meant for training. "Alright. This will be like when you first fought Jacob except this time it's all of you against me. Hades will be watching because he's too much of a coward. And Zero is too young for this fight." she said earning a "Hey!" from Jacob. "Now come at me!" she said. We learned early on that going in head first would cost us. So we all split up and started attacking one by one. But before Blaze could shoot any fire she kicked the ground and a rock came up and hit him in the head. Knocking him unconscious.

We all stared for a second before Aiden threw some throwing knives and Aira launched some sand with her wind at her face. All she did was turn around and hold out her hand. Once she did though, a beam of fire came out and went through the attacks hitting them both, and again knocking them unconscious. 

Third person POV

Spinnette then rushed in pulling out her bat. But right before it could connect a pillar of ice appeared launching her into the sky, and then on the way down got blasted with a torrent of water. Knocking her unconscious. Then Blaze comes in and throws his ax. Once he does she creates on of her giant spider legs again and wacks him, and the ax away. Down go the dominoes.

Erin slammed his hammer on the ground sending a wave of rock towards her. Which automatically failed Once she sent a bunch of sand out to stop it. The sand then choked him and slammed him on the ground.

Then Nora used her hair to wrap her up. Failed when all the did was touch the thorns and all her hair wilted. She then brought up giant vines and trapped her in them.

"Fights over. Rule number 1: Don't doubt your opponents just because you think you know their powers! Some enemies will have more than one! As for why you lost....".

"Erin: your attack were to brash and sluggish. You left too many openings for me to strike you. on top of that you overestimated your abilities.

Twins: You two were in great sync with each other. However you both thought you could handle me with your own individual power. If you combined them maybe you two would have lasted longer.

Blaze: You rushed in head first! And you didn't work with your teammates! That's why you lost against Striker!

Spinnette: You'd be fine if you would've used your power. You still hold onto the fact that you believe if you were stronger without it Sandstorm would be alive. You need to let go of your past and focus.

Nora: You were the opposite of Spinnette, you believed in your abilities too much. If you focused on you stealth you might have gotten a hit in.".

After she said that they all sat down on a bench looking up at her. "My element in question is called Rainbow. The name is foolish, but it allows me to use every element except for energy. It's the rarest element and can be dangerous if in the wrong hands which is exactly why Striker hates me. I put one of his buddies 'Dice' into Zeus custody for safe keeping.". She then started walking away to rest but before she did she looked towards them with a final message:

"Even if you win a fight you must be prepared for a backlash. That's the lesson Striker Taught me.".

And now you have met the spider! And a new chapter of 'Kingship of Fire and Water' is coming out soon so look out for that!

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