Chapter 7: So What Was The Plan Again?

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Blaze POV

Since we were going into a deal we knew nothing about we decided it would be best if just the four of us went. We all went with the best things we had, so.... don't judge us.

 don't judge us

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not the best but it works

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not the best but it works.

Once we get a message from Carnage we walk out to see a red colored Lamborghini waiting outside. "At this point your just flexing." Spinnette says to him. "Speaking of which wheres Hurricane?". We then see Erin walk out and step to the side to see Aira wearing a dark blue dress with a diamond in the center of the chest piece. "Hey spin are you okay?" I ask seeing she's as red as my fire. "Y-yep! Totally fine!" She says quickly getting in the car.

As we were driving I find it a good a time as any to ask some questions. "So where are we going?". He then smiles and says "We're going to: La Red Rosa! It's where I work so please be respectful. I have a reputation to uphold!" he says keeping his eyes on the road. "And while we're there. I shall allow you to use my first name: Leo. If anyone ask, just say you have someone waiting.". For someone who's a bad guy he really must like this job. "I thought that no restaurant would take someone that deals in blood." Hurricane commented. "That's what makes it famous. Elementals? We're allowed to use our powers to our advantage, so we can use them for work.".

Once we arrive at the restaurant we immediately see how large the place is. Turns out it's a five star restaurant, hotel, and casino. We then somehow feel like Leo is more lucky than we thought. "Over here!" Says Sound Riot. We all sit down nervously and see Leo come out with a black apron, and a little notebook. He then comes over and says "Welcome to La Red Rosa! What can I get you folks tonight?". I just sit there stunned at how polite and charming he is, and almost forget he's an enemy. It's then that I see the black backpack he has on. It had 2 hole in the top and 2 in the bottom.

"For now how about we start off with drinks?" he says as we all make our orders. Once he leaves Sound Riot clears his throat and we turn to him. That's when Tremor ask the big question: "So what did you call us here for?". He just chuckles and says "Lets cut to the chase. I just got out of the worst ten years of my entire life, and I'm bored. So put simply, I'm interested in knowing you four better!". At first we're stunned but none the less. "I'm sorry what?" I ask in confusion. "I've learned that you can't escape your past unless you face it head on. On top of that I'd like to ask for a favor.". He was about to say something else when two more people came over and sat next to either side of Riot.

One of them had snow white hair that was put into a bun. And she was wearing a long white dress that had snowflakes all over it. The other had his hair in it's original posture and was wearing a obsidian colored suit and tie, with a black little cat in a handbag he had. "Introducing Leo's teammates: Frostbite and Blazework. Though they may not look like much I would suggest you be careful in combat with these two, as they have earned their names rightfully.

"Oh stop it! You'll make me blush in front of the enemy!" said Frostbite. "I'm a nice guy so long as you don't hurt the cat." said Blazework. As intimidating as it was their not that bad. Which was until I thought of something and may have said it out loud. "Wait. What was the plan again?". Before anyone could answer they went pale as if they had forgotten everything. "Oh dear. How unfortunate." said Sound Riot. "I unfortunately must have let a few words slip free!" he said doing a fake gasp. He made us forget the plan while we were talking to him. While he was talking.

It was then that Leo brought all of our drinks. "Now that favor that I mentioned.". He said as we regained our bearings. "I need you to watch out for Zero and help him develop his powers.". After that I almost choked on my drink. It made since at the time but it would be too late that I understand what that meant.





*A few hours later*

Bets were made and games were played. But overall it wasn't that bad. Once we got back though I felt like something was wrong. And then that's when I heard it. Right before I could sleep that night there was a giant purple explosion that I saw from my window. I looked out of it and I almost screamed.... Striker was back.... With a new arm.

And that is that. Another chapter bites the.... ink?

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