Blazing short: Birthday Blaze!

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Third person POV

That day in the morning Blaze is doing the one thing he is good at: Making waffles. "BLAZE!!!!!!!!" Yelled Erin as he walks up and punches him playfully in the shoulder. "AH! Can you not do that while I'm making break-" Spinnette then proceeds to jump on top of him, leaving Erin to cook. "Hello flame boy~" she says smirking. "Spinnette," he says struggling to get up. "You haven't used that nickname since our first encounter could you not-" Aira then pulls him in for a very tight hug. "Oh come one Blaze it's not that bad! And Your officially considered an adult now!". He escapes her grasp and says "Yeah but still-" He then get wrapped up in a tentacle of water and pulled over to Jack and Elizabeth. "Happy birthday kiddo." Jack says. "Happy 19 years of not being dead!" Elizabeth says. After that Erin puts down some waffles as they all hug him. "We might not be your real family but we might as well be! Happy Birthday Blaze!".

Yeah! I've decided that the 3rd of November will be Blazes birthday! In fact me and my twins own b-day is on the 9th!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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