Character profile(s): Aiden, Nora, and Sound Riot

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Name: Aiden Sky

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Attraction: Bi

Aiden is Aira's older brother, and they were separated when she left. He is very quirky and calm, but don't take him likely. When he first gained his powers, he found he had an affiliation for knives and/or bladed objects. His main weapons are throwing knives that he propels with his wind. When he has to do 'stealth' missions he will bring a bow and arrow. He has the same alcohol tolerance as Aira so neither of them can drink too much or they'll be screwed. He has a good relationship with his teammates and is in love with video games.


Name: Nora Blade

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Attraction: Asexual

Nora is a very active teammate who was originally born in a tropical area. She is very good at survival tactics but don't doubt her. Despite not being good at hand to hand she can take down her opponents quickly. When she was born, she had double the amount of normal grass element energy. So it started channeling into her hair. She can control the density or movement it has at will and will not hesitate to go overboard or 'over-thorne' as some call it. She has a lot of plants in her room and is very active and social. She is like.... That overbearing, and overprotective aunt to Zero.

Sound Riot:

Name: Victor Nightingale 

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Attraction: Straight

Victor is what you would call a kingpin with how much stuff he can manage. Before he was taken down anonymously thanks to Revenent, he was a top singer, actor, dancer, and before he knew it father. It took Revenent 10 years before the last chapter to  catch him so yeah. This was mainly because of his arsenal of attacks and main weapon. His mouth. He can fire screams or yells of pure sound at his enemies, except that one time he lost his voice for a week. Zero was born the year of his capture and it took a lot of convincing to get Hades to promise to take care of Zero. One of his powers also includes the fact that his voice can be manipulated to lure people closer to him or take control of someone. It's one reason why his name almost became Siren.

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