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UA : 3rd Year

His quirk is never off - maybe the couple of times when Aizawa has had his gaze on him but never long enough for him to really think about it.

Another wave of shivers passed through him.
Being cold never used to bother him - it was normal for his body to experience otherwise deadly temperatures.
Even so, the icy, spring breeze scratched incessantly at his bare skin, slipping between the buttons of his white shirt. Usually, he'd naturally balance his temperature - only ever wearing scarves and hats as to not draw attention. He was just always lukewarm.

He supposes he should be feeling more vulnerable. Bakugou had nightmares every night when he got hit. Kaminari got frightfully quiet. Kirishima wore a smile that never quite reached his eyes. And Midoriya - Midoriya radiated so much anxiety Todoroki had to avoid him for a few days. Gently, he ran his fingers through the grass beside him, the cold licked and bit - even with his left hand.
The quirk suppressor should wear off a couple days.

In these times, darts are being made to suppress quirks for weeks. He was thankful he'd been taking up more spars with Bakugou recently - his improved reaction time definitely saved him from a point blank attack. Thankfully, it only grazed him, dramatically losing its potency. To still affect his quirk for days though... The chemical industry was certainly terrifying.

Distantly, he heard the bell to signal lunch was over. He didn't feel like going in today. The floors were too cold, air too hot - his hand would get sweaty after holding his pen for too long. He hated the way Midoriya would turn in his chair to check on him every few seconds - Iida asking if he was warm enough - Ururaka asking if he wanted a cold drink.
He despised being looked after.
You'd think, being neglected emotionally for the majority of his childhood he'd leap at the chance to babied by the others.
The blades of grass bent and tore from his tightening grip.

It's suffocating.

He's always dealt with things just fine on his own. To have all this extra attention was just... uncomfortable. He wished everyone would just pretend nothing had happened.

Slowly, the sun peaked out of the cluster of drifting clouds - sunlight sweeping over the plains, spilling over the grass like ink. The moment it passed his body he almost gasped at the temperature change. The warmth soaked into his skin - briefly numbing the sensitivity that was once there.

Sometimes, he tells himself he would have had a better life without his quirk. His mother would still be home, he wouldn't have had to endure training with his father, he might have been able to go to public school, bring friends over, laugh, cry, shout without being absolutely and utterly terrified of-

Immediately, he whipped his head back to look behind him.

"It's just me, idiot."
A spiky mess of blonde hair appeared from the line of trees obstructing him from the rest of the school. The other grumbled, batting away branches and leaves crowding his face. Todoroki wanted to point out the small scratch decorating Bakugou's left cheekbone or the twig clinging to his trouser leg.
He wanted to sit and wallow alone.

"How did you find me?"

The blonde stayed quiet at that, ignoring him in favour of what looked like typing on his phone.

Eyes snapped up to meet his, fingers paused. For a moment, Todoroki waited, watching the way Bakugou's chest rose and fell more obviously than usual. His nostrils were flared, cheeks stained with red. Even the slightest shine of sweat could be seen as he walked over to him and out into the sunlight.
"Nothing, never mind."

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now