Steve x commander femme

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Steve's part:

I had been almost a year since y/n become a commander. She was so sweet to everyone, well except the insecticons but we vehicons hated tham too. And because of that I was crazy in love with her. But I hardly talked to her because of her post. It's inappropriate for vehicons to have conversations with superiors, unless, it's about a job of course.

So it was pretty hard for me to have a talk with her. But when it happened I was so nervous and shy that she must noticed my true feelings for her. But than one day...


„Y/n! What is happening?!" Shouted lord Megatron at y/n. She run into the room. „I-I don't know my lord. Probably another one of autobots attacks." Soundwave showed on a big screen a video of autobots attacking one of our's energon mines.

„So why are you still here?! Bridge yourself in there and do something about that, immediately!" „O-of course master!" She answered with fear in her voice. She was quit stressed out by Megatron. He treated her like Starscream when he was in charge.

„Ok I need at least fourty vehicons with me!" Y/n shouted and Soundwave opened groundbridge. I was the first one who run to her. I went with her everytime when she needed backup.
She smiled. „Oh come on! We don't have all day. Take the example of Steve. Such a brave soldiar."

I felt a blush on my cheeks. I tried to hade it but she noticed anyways. „Thank's for you'r devotion for me. I really appreciate it in a situations like these." She whispered. „N-no problem commander. That's the least I can d-do for you." My blush got a lot bigger. It was just her angel voice saying this to me, makes me shiwer every time.

Meantime some other vehicons joined us. But many of tham just because thay liked her as much as I did. „That should do. Follow me." She ordered and we walked through the bridge.

We immediately started firing. Many of my friends in the mine were already down. It was always a horrible look but that was just the way it was for vehicons. Fifty percent chance of dying.

Me and some of others was firing at Arcee but she was to quick to hit. I looked around for y/n. I was so worried that anything could happen to her. It would broke my spark. I would do everything for her.

I run deeper into the mine to check on everyone. If thay don't need more help there. Y/n was surrounded by Bumblebee and Bulkhead. I wanted to help her when I noticed that Arcee was about to shoot her.

"Commender look out!" I screamed but she didn't hear me. I run to her as fast as I could and pushed her aside. She fall at the ground and Arcee shoot me instead. Everything went blurry.

Y/n's pov:

I sit down and looked around what hell happened. But then I saw Steve lying on the ground not moving. "Oh no. Steve! Ugh..Steve!" I stood up as fast as possible and run to him. His optics was glitching and his servo was leaking of energon.

I kneeled next to him and gently put my servo under his head. "Oh Primus. Are you okay?" He just waved with his servo. "M-me? Oh yeah I'm fine. Are you ok?" He asked so carefully. I smiled. "Oh Steve...thank you."

He tried to stand up but fell back to my servos. "Ah. I-It was nothing. After all...I'm just a vehicon. I will gladly sacrifice my life to save yours commander y/n." I blushed. "Steve...that was the sweetest thing that enyone ever done for me..."

I was so touched by his words that my spark started beating so fast. I leaned down to his face and kissed him. His whole face become blue. "C-commander..." "Hush. You must stay calm now. You saved my life and I'm gonna save yourse."

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