Knockout x Reader x Starscream (Holoform)

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Yf/n - You'r friends name

It's been already a half a year since y/n joined the Decepticons. It's a long story but only things you really need to know is that the cons she befriended the most were Knockout and Starscream. Well especialy Scream as y/n was simply calling him. He became one of her closest friends. Thay have maybe a weird and sometimes toxic relationship but understand each other and get along easily. Well that is if they aren't just teasing each other with every single petty thing.

And Knockout. Y/n thought of him always more like her "gay friend". She sometimes makes fun of him for how much attention he's putting to his appearence. And also Y/n has a friend living with her that actually got together with him. And honestly. They couldn't make a more perfect example of a pretty "Hollywood couple".

Than one day when yf/n was on a work trip y/n secided to throw a big house party. She really loved Yf/n but she knew how she acted sometimes. A house party in her new house. Yeah she wasn't a big fan of these things. Y/n knew it better than enyone else. And even tho she felt bad about it she knew she had to do it behind her back.

~ That day ~

Y/n was vibing to the beat of the song and drinking from a big bottle of a beer. Around her were dancing at least 20 people and among tham were even a few vehicons that y/n invited discused in thay're cute holoforms. „Having a good time boys?" She asked tham. Thay were already pretty tipsy not being use to human alcohol. „Yes! We haven't had this much fun in eons."

Y/n smiled and looked around. „That's good to hear. Hey... haven't you seen Scream and Knockout?" „I saw tham a few minutes ago going upstairs." I put down the bottle and sighed. „I better go check on tham. Thay seemed pretty fucked already an hour ago."

So I walked the stairs and started looking for than on the second floor where were almost no people. She looked in every room until she got to her room. „Ugh are fucking sirious?! I said no one is allowed" She slamed the door open and immediately just lost her words. She was just staring at the two shirtless guys making out in her bed.

„Starscream...Knockout?!" She squeaked in suprise and confusion. Thay stopped and Knockout looked at her with a devilious grin. „Oh. Hello y/n~" „What the fuck Is going on in here?!" Y/n shouted and shut the door behind her so no one could hear or see tham. „Hh what do you think?~" He chucked and put his hand on Starscream's cheek and pashionetely kissed him. Y/n started blushing at the site of her two best friends making out.

„Is this shit even real or did someone put something in my drink?" Y/n thought still in disbealive what she was seeing wasn't just a part of her drunk imagination. She simply couldn't bealive that Starscream would do this from his own will. Not Knockout tho. That would be less unbealiveble. But it was still pretty unusual for him since he had a girlfriend.

Y/n wouldn't normaly give a shit but the fact he was maybe cheating on her friend was more that uncomfortable. But after a minute she noticed that thay were pretty tipsy so thay maybe didn't know what thay were doing.

After Knockout let go of him Starscream looked at her for the first time with a cute blush on his cheeks. „What's the matter y/n. Don't like what you see? I thought you would me thrilled to see us like this~" „Yes. I kinda am. doesn't change the fact that it's weird." Said y/n still staring at tham. But thay were right. She maybe liked tham as a friends but many times her fantasy got the best of her.

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