Optimus x femme x Megatron

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Y/n pov:

„Lady y/n. We got a little gift for you chained in the torture chamber." Said one of the vehicons after some problems with autobots in our energon mine. „Oh really. Hhh you shouldn't have~"

I smirked and patted his head. „Mhh~" He moaned cuttely with a blush an his cheeks. They were loving when I was doing that. „So let's go look at what my little violet babies bring me~"


The doors opened and I couldn't beliave what I saw. „Optimus Prime?! How..how did you...?" I stuttered. „Well he was discracted by some humans so Steve knocked him out with a three." Said on of the two vehicons who were watching over him.

I was staring at that for a while with a open mouth but than I started to laugh. „Hhhaha. Ah soldiers. You'll never stop suprising me. You need a reward for this incredible action."

„R-really?!" They asked happely. „Uhm let me think...you know what. I have a tuns of energon in my room that I could not eat by myself. So how about you get there and help me with that hm?"

„You really mean that my queen?!" Thay said suprisedly. I smiled. „Of course my darlings. Now go before I change my mind." „O-okay. Thank you so much queen Y/n! You'r more than generous!" Thay said and run to my room. „Hhh adorable." I said to myself.

„Optimus Prime. Long time no see huh?~" I said after going in. „Y/n? I thought that you died in the battle of Iacon?" He asked with his servos chained up to the upon his head.

„Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated." I smirked. „So how did you come back. You couldn't have any clue that were on the Earth now." „You'r right. But I didn't have to try to find eny of autobots or decepticons. Lord Megatron found me. With a help of space bridge. I came back to Nemesis a weef months ago."

„You look quite good after a years rusting in space by you'r self." He said still having his battle mask on. „Oh we're being rude? Lucky for you Optimus...I don't have anything on you. You'r still on the top of you'r game~" I smirked.

„What do you even want from me y/n? And why are you in charge? Is Megatron tired of me already?" He said a little mockingly.

„My husband is on the meeting with Unicron. He's being a little...obsessed with dark energon lately. Anyway that's non of you'r bussiness."

„I don't know what do you want from me but I won't tell you anything. Torture doesn't bother me If it keep my autobots safe."I slownly walked around him.

„Well well well. Playing tough as always Optimus? But unfortunately for you I have my own ways how to make mech tell me what I want to know~ " I licked his neck from behind.

„Huh ugh!" He whimpered. „Anayway I think that whatever I do to you, you will not tell me where your base is. Am I right?~" He just looked at me with optics full or anger. „I knew it. All I want is for you to betray tham in eny way. And what could be possibly worst than you'r team finding out that Optimus Prime and Megatron's lady was doing something nasty like this...~"

I licked his belly close to his interfacing panel. „What do you mean by-ugh!" His whole body shiwered. It made me feel so good. He was absolutly powerless in that possision. He was kneeling infront of me with his servos tight up with chains. „Hhh~"

„You still can't do this y/n! Megatron will make a scrap out of you for this." He said but with a fear in his voice. „Yeah I don't think so. Our relationship in this stuff is pretty free. And even If he'll wanna punish me he'll frag me till I can't walk. And I'm in love with that idea~"

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