Starscream (Holoform) x Reader (1)

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yf/n - you'r friends name

Y/n part:

„Hey yf/n! I'm home!" I shouted and throw my keys at the shells next by the doors. But I got no responce. „Huh...that's weird." I said to myself wondering where my roommate could have gone. He/she usually stay at home and play on a computer at this hour.

So I made my way at the second floor and took my t-shirt off because it was so hot that day.. „Uh God...this weather will kill me one day." But when I got to my room my heart jumped in suprise. „'r back early today~"

A familiar voice purred out of my bed. „The hell?!" I shouted in confusion. A skiny man with a soft grey and red hair peered out of the sheets.

„I was worried you wouldnt be happy to find me in here but I see that most of you'r clothes is already off you'r body. I wasn't expecting that much excitement from you. You'r staring to suprise me darling~" I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

„Yeah it seems I'm not the only one that's good at suprises. What are you even doing here Starscrem?" He rolled at his belly and looked at me with his red puppy eyes glowing out of the blanket.

„I just wanted to see you again. You haven't visit Nemesis for a some time now. And even Megatron started to be worried that maybe something could have happened to his human pet you know." He said that in such a adorable way that he made me laught a little. „Oh really?"

I through my t-shirt on the bed. „Big M is borred without me or what?~" „Well of course. You have been part of our crew for a almost year and out of no where you stopped vising us." I smirked. „I'm was promoted at my job so have a lot of work to do...unlike you as I can see. "

„Oh come on. Now you'r just being harsh on me. I'm wasting my precious time just to make sure one worthless pet od Megatron is okay. I think that is much more than just some human job." I sit next to him and took of my ear rings. „Oh so Lord is the reason why you'r here. Well that's nice. What he want's from me?"

I rolled my eyes. I liked Megatron but I knew that he wanted me on Nemesis just so I'd be his little distraction. He was paing me attention just when he wanted and I was kinda tired of that.

Starscream put his hands on my shoulders and started plaing with my hair. „Nothing. To be honest...he didn't ordered me to come see you." „Really...he didn't?" I asked suprised. „No. I'm here because...well I miss you y/n~" That made me laught a little.

„You? And miss me? Hhh sorry's a little hard to bealive that. Since when you even care about me?" He slownly started massage my shoulders. „Stop it. I'm serious. I just can't resist that feeling. I think you'r started to grow on me, that's all~" „Mmm...I guess so~"

I purred enjoing his touches. „After so many months having you practicly 24/7 by my's natural that I wanted to visit our little friend. Our cute little human friend~" He went harder and leaned his head on my neck. „Mmh Starscream. What's up with you today? I love it~" I smirked at his flateries. I was had no idea what has gotten into him but I liked him whispering these nice things into my ears.

„Where even is yf/n? She never leaves the house at this hour." Starscream chuckled with his hands getting more and more lower on my body. „You mean you'r friend? Knockout took her/him at a little trip~" I turned my head so I could face him. „Starscream If enything happen to her I swear to God." „Don't worry. Knockout would never hurt him/her. Besides...I think he's into him/her~"

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