Megatron x Bot Femme

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Y/n part:

I slowly opened my optics. „Ugh my head. W-what happened?" I caught my head in pain and looked around. There was a huge wasteland covered in corpses of vehicons. „W-Where is everyone? Ugh did thay seriously forgot about me and left me here for scrap?"

I got up and tryed to call base. „Hey guys! This is so not funny. You better be sending a bridge on my coordinates right now! Guys?" But no one answered. „Ugh scrap. Huh...sometimes I wonder if I would be doing better with cons." „Well we can find out dear~"

Said a deep voice behind my back. I froze in fear. „M-Megatron?! What is he doing here?!" „I'm just searching for answers. No need to be shy little one." I slownly turned around. I had to look way up so I could actualy face him. I was a pretty small autobot. (Like a size of Knockout).

I transformed my servos into guns. „S-stay back!" Megatron laughed and pushed my guns on side. „Hahahah! Ah soldier! Please. This is unnecessarily. Like you have a chance to face me and win anyway~" He smirked with his sharp teeth. I was absolutly terrified because I knew he was right.

„And If I would be here to hurt you, you wouldn't be speaking with me right now." I transformed my servos back into arms. „So...what do you want with me?" He put his servos on his hips. „As I said. I'm just here for some informations." I don't know why but in that moment dirty thoughts flated my brain. There was something about the way he was talking to me.

„Uh frag. Why is he kinda hot now?~" „Uh..excuse me?" Said Megatron suprised. I blushed. „N-nothing! I just...wait. I didn't say that at loud. Did you just read my mind or something? H-how?" I asked confused. „Cortical psychic patch. Our new type of interrogation founded by Shockwave. I can enter you'r mind so I'm able to see you'r very memories and knowledge which I seek."

He said with his evil tone. „Oh scrap." I sighed scared. But he smirked. „So. You find me attractive little femme?~" I blushed even more. „N-no! Of course not. I would never!" I tried to lie but my mind exposed me right away. „Oh he sees right through you y/n. He knows damn well how hot he is. You'r so scraped."

Megatron chuckeled and slownly walked around me so he could take a better look at me. „Oh really? Because you'r more than happy to be so close to me little one. Hhh..oh what would Optimus say If he knew that you'r interested in his biggest enemy? Mmm you'r a one nasty autobot arent you darling?~"

„Oh Primus. He called me darling!~" My body shiwered in excitement. „What is it? You like when decepticon lord gives you nicknames hm? Darling?~" He got close to my audio receptors with his servos on my shoulders and purred. I shiwered again. „Uhh frag he's touching you. N-no! No y/n! You'r not gonna fall for him. You would never forgot yourself for that."

I pushed him away. „Ugh stop it Megatron. What do even want from me?" He smiled. „Hhh now your conscience speaks up huh?" I put my servos on my hips and raised my eyebrows. „Hh very well darling. I'm here to find out if Optimus already has one of the Omega keys. Or perhaps more that only one?"

I froze in terror. „Primus no! Not this! I can't possibly let him know that!" I looked away. „I-I...I have no idea what you'r talking about." „Hahah..oh soldier. You should remember one thing.." He got very close again. „Never lie to me." I swallowed nervously still facing away.

„Now. Tell me doll. Have your autobot friends located eny of Omega keys already or not?" I was trying my best to not think about any of our missions but I wasn't able not to. Megatron was just looking at me amused. After a while my head started to hurt and some of the autobot secrets started to slip out of my mind.

„Mmm interesting. Very interesting hhh~" Megatron chuckeled evily. „Uhh...I'm so sorry Optimus." „Aw. Don't be so harsh on yourself little one. It's not your fault. If he didn't leave you on that battlefield non of this would happen. As I thought. He would bring his doom on himself one day."

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