❅ early mornings ❅

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nihachu; early mornings

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nihachu; early mornings

word count: 645

TW: mentions of a god

The rain taps on the glass as the grey clouds cover the sky. The leaves on the trees fall to the ground due to the coolness of the fall. Cars drive through puddles racing time trying to be punctual to their jobs. The birds start to head south for the winter. The wind is howling. The clock reads 5:27 AM. 

The comforter covers the sleeping couple, keeping their bodies warm. A cat jumps onto the bed and nuzzles its head in between its owners. The room is still dark, making it hard for the girl to see as she wakes up. She stretches her arms and grabs the cat that made its way on to the bed moments before. "Good morning, Zuko." The girl coos to the cat. The cat meows to her on a response leaving her satisfied. The girl removes the cat from her grasp and lets Zuko roam free. Her eyes wonder over to her sleeping partner. Her heart flutters and her cheeks redden. "I love you Y/N." She smiles. "I love you too, Niki." Y/N responds groggily.

"I didn't know you were awake." Niki moves hair out of Y/N's face. "Neither did I." Y/N speaks into the pillow. Niki lets out a small laugh. "What do you want to do today?" Niki begins to get up. "Sleep." Y/N pulls the covers up. "We should make hot chocolate and sit by the fire place." Niki says ignoring Y/N. "That actually sounds fun." Y/N sits up and stretches. Niki laughs and shakes her head and makes her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Y/N gets out of the bed and looks at the clock. "It's 5:30?!" Y/N scoffs in disbelief. "Actually, it's 5:33." Niki laughs as she continues brushing her teeth. "Unbelievable." Y/N whispers to nobody in particular. 

Niki walks out of the bathroom and see Y/N laying down. "No. No, this is not happening. Get up. We are going to make hot chocolate and sit by the fire place, and I want no complaints." Niki pulls Y/N up into a siting position. "I will be complaining all I want. You are making me do this at 5:30 AM." Y/N groans. "Come on. Early mornings are the best. Being awake before the sun and getting to watch the sun rise." Niki expresses her feelings for early mornings. Y/N couldn't help but admire her as she talked about something she was so passionate about. 

"You're adorable." Y/N smiles at Niki. "Good, you can watch me be adorable by the fire place." Niki pulls Y/N up from the bed and drags them both down the stairs. "I'll start the hot chocolate you get the fire place ready?" Niki asks. Y/N just stares at Niki with an adoring look. "Look, I know I'm pretty but it's not nice to stare." Niki laughs and walks to the kitchen to start the hot chocolate. Y/N starts the fire place and Niki walks back in with two mugs filled with hot chocolate. The couple sits at opposite ends of the couch. Niki pulls out a book to read while Y/N begins to sketch. 

"It's been like an hour. What are you drawing?" Niki puts the book down as curiosity gets the best of her. "A goddess." Y/N replies. "Oh my god, let me see!" Niki looks at the drawing only to be shocked when it's a drawing of her. Y/N watched the smile of Niki's face form. Her smile could brighten a whole room. "I love it, Y/N, and I love you." Niki looks up at Y/N. "I love you too. And I love your smile." Y/N compliments. "What did I do to deserve you?" Niki laughs and kisses Y/N.

𝘦𝘤⋆𝘴𝘵𝘢⋆𝘴𝘺 || 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐦𝐩 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu