Are You a Monster?

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Penelope woke up with the unpleasant feel of straw on her cheek. She sat up and saw she was behind bars.

"Where am I?" She thought.

She looked around and noticed a boy in the cell next to her. He looked about Penny's age. He had charcoal black hair and warm hazel eyes.

Penny saw this boy had no dragon wings or tail or anything. She's never really seen anyone like him before. She was terrified. She backed herself agents the wall and was close to tears.

The boy took one look at her wings and sharp teeth and was terrified too. He pressed himself on the cobblestone wall, trying to get as far away from Penelope as possible.

The two did the same thing and just starred at each other.

"I afraid of monsters." The boy said.

"Me too." Penny replied.

"I'm not a monster."

"Yes you are."

"No, you are."

"Nah-uhh." She shook her head. "What are you? You look weird."

"I'm human. What are you?"

Penny shrugged. "Friendly?"

The boy looked into Penny's eyes and his face softened. He noticed she was just as frightened as he was. He looked at her and he saw himself. He slowly moved closer to the bars dividing Penelope's and his cage.

The boy stuck his hand through the bars. "I'm Eret."

Penelope moved closer too and shook his hand. "I'm Penelope. But I like Penny."

"...Where are we?" Eret asked.

Penny shrugged.

"...Why are you like that?"

Penny shrugged again. "I don't know?" She said.

Eret and Penny had talked for hours. They were surprised to discover they had more in common than they thought and became friends quickly. They learned to accept each other's differences.

One day, (They were maybe eight or so now.) Eret had some left over bread from lunch that he wasn't going to eat. Looked over to Penny, who hadn't had anything to eat in three days. She was practically starving to death.

"Penny," He said as he moved over to the bars. "Have this. I'm not hungry." He offered Penny the bread.

"Thanks." She took it.

Eret and Penny looked out for each other. They thought about what it would be like to finally get let out. They waited for the day when they found out why they were there in the first place. But most of all, they always dreamed of the day they would be let out of their cages and wouldn't be divided. They always hoped that day would come.


I don't know why but wattpad wont accept video links anymore so I'll just put some video links below. These are some songs that remind me of this chapter.

Safe and Sound Nightcore-

Fire and Gold-

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