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It had been a week since Emily had made the mistake of attempting to "rescue" Pen. The group had lost the little amount of dragons that they had to the dragon thief and were left with nothing. To make things worse, they had one day left until they had to give Drago the shipment of dragons they clearly didn't have. So, obviously had a big problem on their hands.

Pen stood on the tip of a spike of ice, searching for dragons. This was her job at the moment. But the part of her that wasn't a soldier was bored. There was nothing to do but look at...nothing. But that would change soon.

Suddenly, Pen spotted a Nadder and a Night Fury flying their way. By the time she had noticed this, Eret had already shot them down. The Night Fury missed the shot, but it was the Nadder was hit and was sent tumbling down to earth. It crashed down on the ground and the men attacked. In moments, Eret joined in too.

The Night Fury flew down to the Nadder, carrying a young woman.

"STOP!!!" A boy jumped off the Night Fury as it put the girl down.

"Stormfly!" She shouted. "What are you doing?!"

Soon enough, Eret and this boy were having quite a one sided conversation. Pen wasn't able to hear what they were saying but she had an idea of what Eret was explaining. She simply watched and waited.

Down below, Eret and the boy were having that conversation that was mentioned.

"Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is, without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them." Eret said. "After all, there is only about-what-twenty of us including me and-oh that's right. Pen!" He called.

All the dragon riders saw was a figure with huge wings that came out of nowhere. This figure landed at Eret's side and smiled. This figure was a girl with large navy dragon wings, sharp teeth and unnatural blue hair. That was all that they saw and because of that, they were startled instantly.

"This is Pen. Make her mad and you'll most likely end up with an arrow in your chest." Eret said, rather cheerfully.

"Anyway," Pen changed the subject.

"Wait, there are other dragon riders?" The boy asked remembering what Eret said before.

"You mean other then you're friend who destroyed our fort and took all of our dragons? You tell me." Pen said.

"You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side, but we still have a quota to fill. How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?" Eret added.

"Drago what-fist? Does anything you say make sense?" The boy said.

"He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow." Pen explained.

"And Drago don't take well to excuses." Eret added.

Pen out stretched her right wing to reveal an emblem in the shape of a dragon skull, split by a sword, burned onto her wing.

"This is what he gave me last time we showed up empty-handed." Pen said. "He promised to be far less understanding in the future." She folded her wing back up.

"Look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief, or an ice-spitting dragon, or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay?" The boy stated. "Just give us back our dragon, and we'll go, strange, hostile people whom we've never met."

Eret bows playfully. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Eret. Son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive."

He pulls his sword from behind his back, waving it cockily while the men ready their weapons and net launchers. "After all," Eret points his sword at the Night Fury. "It's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury."

The Night Fury roars, warning Eret to back off.

"And this is Toothless. He says we're going. Now." The boy said.

"Heh." Pen laughs. "They all say that."

Eret points his sword now at the dragon riders. "RUSH 'EM, LADS!"

Men came rushing towards them. The Night Fury shots a blast at one of the high spikes of ice above them, which crumbled and began to fall.

"ERET GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Pen screamed as she pushed him out of the way, resulting in them both falling to the ground just in time to get out of the path of the ice.

By the time they got up, the dragon riders had already escaped.

Pen ran to the edge of the cliff and watched them fly away. "YOU WILL NEVER HOLD ON TO THOSE DRAGONS YOU HEAR ME! DRAGO IS COMING FOR THEM ALL!"

After the dragons were nothing but specks in the sky, Pen was furious. Absolutely enraged. She had had enough of these dragon riders.

"Ready the ship." She ordered.

"What? But we have no dragons." One of the men said.

"I said ready the ship!"

She went off to get the boat ready herself.

"Pen, what are you doing? We can't leave for Drago's fleet now, we have no dragons. He'll kill you or me." Eret told Pen as she walked.

"Well if we stay here we'll just lose every dragon we catch all because of those filthy dragon riders! We will catch some on the way. Besides, why wouldn't Drago just kill both of us?" Pen asked, still angry.

"Because you know how well he knows us. If I make a mistake he hurts you. If you screw up he hurts me."

Pen stopped and listened.

"Drago punishes you to punish me and he does almost the same thing with you. He won't kill both of us because he there's no use in doing it. He'd...murder only me or you because he would want us to feel the worst pain of all." Eret explained. "Remorse. He would want us to regret our mistake. The mistake that resulted in the only person we really care about, dying."



If you thought something was said weird or something like that, save your comments about it. It was pretty hard for me to piece this all together.

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