Flowers At My Doorstep

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Pen woke up and saw that her roommate was not in the bed beside her.

"Eret never wakes up earlier than me." Pen thought.

On her dresser, she found a small slip of paper.

"Had to leave early for a date with Astrid. -Eret." The note said.

"Figures." Pen whispered to herself.

She looked up and saw that drawing of her and Eret. Her she got a choking feeling in her throat and her eyes swelled up with tears.

"She took the picture and put it face down.

She burst into tears again and slammed her face into her pillow. She wrapped her arms around it and squeezed it tight.

"I can't do this anymore! I just can't do it!" She cried.

Meanwhile, Eret just came home when he heard Pen crying upstairs.

"Pen, are you okay?" He said, cracking open the bedroom door.

"Get out! Now!" Pen snapped in reply.


"I said GET OUT!" She picked up an axe and threw it at the door.

Eret closed the door but the blade went right through the wood and was inches away from his face. He figured it was time to leave and that was exactly what he did.


After she had calmed down, Pen walked down stairs and had some breakfast. She opened the door to find Lilly with a string tied around it, attached to a note. She picked up the flower and read the note.

"You are prettier than the most colorful Lily." The note said. Pen was as flattered as she was puzzled.

"Really?" Pen thought. "But, it doesn't say who it's from."

She smiled and shrugged the thought off. "At least someone thinks of me."


The next day, after lunch at the Great Hall, some drawing and some moping, Pen headed home, where she found a white Calla Lily with another note, on her doorstep.

"Some say you're a demon from hell, when you're really an angel from heaven." The note said.

Pen was astonished. Who was this person? She desperately wanted to know.


The fallowing day, Pen woke up to more flowers at her door. This time, it was a vine of blue, bleeding hearts.

"I know your heart is broken, but just remember someone loves you." The new note said.

"Wow, someone's really making an effort to get my attention!" Pen thought as she smiled. "Thank you anonymous person. Thank you."


Awww! That's so cute and cheesy! What do you think guys? What do you think the next flower will be and what will the note say?

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