Purple Eyes

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It was early morning and Eret had just woken up. He was always the first one to wake up. Penny slept late.

They were twelve now and were getting anxious. They still really didn't know why they were locked up.

"Penny," Eret whispered. "Penny wake up."

She didn't move.

With a sigh, Eret picked up a rock and threw it at her. It hit her wing.

"Oh gods," She murmured. "Five more minutes, Eret."

He threw another rock.


Another rock.

Penny picked up a stone too and threw it at Eret's head. He was able to dodge it just in time.

"Ok, I'm up already! Now what do you want!" Penny said.

Eret got down low and was afraid to reply. "I-"

He was interrupted by man holding a ring of keys. "Good, you're up. Now let's get to work."

The man unlocked Eret and Penny and led them to who knows where. As he did, the two kids were scared. They had no idea what was going on. For all they knew they could be about to die.

Penny grabbed Eret's hand and held it. He squeezed her hand, telling her not to let go. But once they got to their destination, the men saw Penny and Eret holding hands and they pulled them apart.

They were at what looked like some kind training arena inside.

"What are we doing here?" Penny asked.

They gave no reply and pushed them into training. It was hard and tiring. At one point, they made Penny jump to a beam on the celling. She didn't think she could do it. No one could. She looked back at Eret. He shook his head. But there was no getting out of it. She took her best shot and flew up. Yes, that's right, she flew up. She didn't even know she could do it.

She stood up on the beam and looked down on Eret. He was completely dumbfounded.

Training went on all day. When they got back to their cells they fell asleep immediately. The next day they trained some more. And the next day. And soon days turned to weeks. And weeks turned to months.

By the time they had been training for two weeks, they had already started to change. Penny had a short temper and Eret hardly spoke. But when he did, he was angry and sarcastic.

On this specific morning, Eret had woken up early again.

"Wake up, Penny." He said. He threw a rock at her and she woke up.

"What's your problem?!" Penny shouted.

"Just trying help." He said sarcastically.

Penny threw several rocks at him and he dodged all of them.

Although the training was hard and affected them, there was one part of the two that was untouched by it.

Penny realized what she just attempted to do. "Sorry...I didn't mean it."

Eret realized what he did too. "Me too."

This would happen often. Thankfully, apologizes were said every time. No matter how hard training was, no matter how much it changed them, the stayed friends.

"Eret, I think I know why we're here." Penny said one night after training.


"...They want to make us like them." She told him. "Dragon trappers."

Eret agreed with her. But after he nodded, he looked over at Penny and saw her hair was turning...blue.

"Penny," He said. "You're hair."

"What?" She looked at her hair and saw it was infact turning a dark teal color. "Oh, great." She said sarcastically.

But things only got worse. A few weeks later, Eret stayed at training later. One hour later, he came back to his cell.

"What took you so long?" Penny asked.

Eret looked at Penny and sighed. He had a tattoo on his chin.


"Yeah. It hurt too." He said.

"I'm sure it did."

He sat down and looked at Penny.

"Your eyes. They're pretty."

She giggled. "Do you know how random that was?"

"No really. I didn't know people could have purple eyes. It's cool."

She smiled. "Thanks."

"Do you think we're getting better?"

"Better at what?"

"Being nice to each other."

She nodded. "We're getting there."

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