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They were 17 now. They've been training for five years. It was changing them more than ever before. They were harsh and menacing. Not so much to each other though.

On this particular night, Eret came back to his cell late again.

"Where were you?" Penny asked him.

He didn't answer.

"Where were you, Eret?"

"Nowhere. They just needed to keep me longer."

Penny winced. "Why don't you answer me anymore?"

"I don't know? Because I just don't really feel like talking I guess."

"That's no excuse."

"Of course it is, Penny."

But she wasn't Penelope. She wasn't little Penny either. "It's not Penny anymore." She said. "It's just Pen."

"Well then I'm Eret...son of Eret."

She scoffed. "Are you really named after your father?"

"No. But I like it...Pen."

"Yeah....Eret son of Eret."

Little did they know, they were not just being trained for dragon trapping. They didn't know it but they were being prepared for Drago. Drago's army.

As years went on, the two only got worse. They only got more aggressive. But no matter what, they were never too mean to each other.


This time, Pen was the one to come back late.

"Where were you?" Eret asked.

She shrugged. "They just wanted me to do some stuff that had to do with flying. They gave me a bow and arrow too. Wanted me to practice all month."

Eret hesitated. "Pen, they said their leader died last week."


"And they said when I'm done with training," He explained. "They want me to be the new leader. They said I have potential and is worthy to lead them."

"So...why are you telling me this?"

"Because, I want you to be the leader too. Both of us."

Pen's breath was taken away. She didn't know how to lead. She's just a damaged teen that's been stuck behind bars half her life.


Time past and training for Eret and Pen was finished three years later. Now they were on their own, leading about five hundred dragon trappers. But now, they were ten times more harsh and aggressive then they were three years ago. Yet, by now they almost liked the way that they were. They had considered it what made them, them.

They enjoyed dragon trapping...at some expense. They worked for Drago and did what was asked. They knew what their mission was.

But it wasn't all that easy.


(I got this idea from an HTTYD 2 deleted scene comic from YouTube. I do not own any lines, actions, or anything else in this chapter that are originally from the comic.)

It was a normal night at Drago's fort. (But dragon was on his fleet of ships at the time.) Pen and Eret were getting ready to send a shipping of dragons to Drago. But there was one they kept. There no room on the ship for it. It was a Nadder.

"Make sure the crews are ready and all the dragons are on board and secured." Pen said to one of the trappers.

"Already done." He replied.

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