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Pen packed up her bag in a haste.

"Whoa whoa whoa," Eret stopped her. "Where's the fire? The game isn't till 3:00."

"Yeah, but I have to be at the field at 1:30. And it's 1:45 now, Eret!"


Pen threw her bag over her shoulder. But before she left she asked, "You are coming to the game, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Good." She ran out the door and hurried to the field. All the girls on the team were spooked when Pen landed on the grass from flying, for they thought she was a demon from hell. "Sorry I'm late." Pen said.

"What held ya up, dragon girl?" The team captain, Siv, a girl with light blue eyes and long blonde hair in a braid teased. "Did your boyfriend have to sew a rip in your wings again?"

"Eret is not my boyfriend. He's just a friend."

"Yeah, ok, sure."


Eret was one of the first ones at the game. Therefore, he was able to get a good seat. He knew since this was the first game of the season, the bleachers would fill up quickly. And by the time 2:45 rolled around, Eret was thankful he got there sooner.

"I want to be goalie." Pen said to Siv.

"What? I think you should just you know catch the ball and throw what you normally do."

"I said I want to be goalie."

Pen got her wish and was goalie. Of course Siv thought Pen was going to screw it up and their team would lose because of her. But what she got was the complete opposite. Pen actually blocked every shot and all she really had to do was raise a wing or something.

Towards the end of the game, Astrid came over and plopped down right next to Eret.

"Hey Astrid. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Hiccup?" Eret said.

"Yeah, if we were still together."

"Wait-you're not?"

"Nope." She replied with a sigh. "I just didn't really feel like we we're supposed to be together. Yeah, I know, we've been together for five years but I think I found someone else." She smirked.

Suddenly, Eret felt a warm hand on his. He looked down to see this was Astrid's hand.

"And I think that someone is you." She said. "I know this seems really sudden but do you think you're willing to give me a shot? You know at being your girlfriend."

Eret looked down at Pen playing below and then back at Astrid's smiling face. He knew for a guy like him, this was a once in a life time opportunity. To get the chief's ex-girlfriend; the most beautiful girl in the village was nothing short of a miracle.

"Uhh-" Eret looked back down at Astrid's hand. "Yeah, sure."


The game had finally ended. Pen's team had won.

"Great job out there, Pen!" One of the girls said, giving her a high five.

"Yeah, Nice work!" Another said.

Then Siv walked over and sighed. "Well I have to admit; I have never seen a goalie as good as you before." She said dryly.

"Aww thanks, Siv." Pen replied sarcastically.

She skimmed the crowd for Eret but he was nowhere to be found.

It wasn't till dinner did she finally find him sitting at a bench with Astrid.

"Hey Eret!" She greeted.

"Oh, Hi Pen!" Eret replied. "Congratulations on winning the game by the way."


Astrid looked at Pen before reaching across the table and grabbed Eret's hand. Pen noticed this instantly.

"Uhh-I'm I missing" Pen asked, exchanging glances between Eret and Astrid.

"Well, Astrid is my new girlfriend." Eret said.

"Oh really?" Pen replied as she tugged at her collar like she was hot.

"Yeah, we're a couple." Astrid stated.

"Oh well I wish you guys good luck-I mean with the relationship and everything-not like I meant it sarcastically or anything——you know what I'm gonna go now-sorry to interrupt you guys!" And in a flash she was gone. Pen whipped her hot forehead with her arm and found she was caked in sweat.

"Why didn't he tell me sooner?" Pen thought. "I totally just made a fool out of myself just because I didn't know. I mean it's not like I have a crush on Eret or something. But he's my best friend and I would of thought when something as big as getting a girlfriend came up, he would have told me."


"How did that happen, Eret?" Pen asked him that night when he came home. She slouched on her bed miserably. "I thought Astrid had Hiccup."

"Well apparently Astrid left Hiccup for me. Now I'm just hoping tomorrow morning, Hiccup won't be banging on our door or punch me in the face."

Pen giggled a little. "When did you get together?"

"Why do you want to know so much about me and my girlfriend?"

Pen realized it wasn't her place at ask such questions. Her eyes watered and tears streamed from her eyes. She climbed into bed and turned away. Her tears soaked her pillow and burned on her cheeks. It was the first time she had cried in years.

  She didn't want Eret to have a girlfriend. He'll be spending all of his time with her and he won't care about Pen. She'll be in the shadow of his blonde haired sweetheart. Pen will be nothing but a memory. And she thought their friendship would last a life time.

She felt like a child crying over this. But with every tear, her sorrow grew. Not anger, just sorrow. Eventually, Pen cried herself to sleep and had no dreams.

Hours later, Eret was almost ready to go to sleep. But Pen's still, motionless body deterred him from going to bed.

He walked over to the side of Pen's bed and knelt down to see her tear blotched face.

"I'm just giving it a shot, Pen. That's all. I'm not going to marry Astrid." He whispered. He held Pen's hand gently. "I promise."


Ok I have a few matters to cover.

Matter 1: Don't worry Hiccstrid shippers! They will get back together!

Matter 2: If you think Pen was being a little dramatic, think about it. Her best friend has never had a girlfriend before. It's always just been the two of them. Now she feels like he's ditching her for a chick.

Matter 3: Besides, maybe there's something a little more going on here? What if Pen lied to herself about not liking Eret? 

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