Emily's Return

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Eret and Pen were able to salvage a few weapons, a net launcher and the last ship. They thought it would be a good idea to stay where they were and trap dragons there. It was now midnight. The sky was covered in stars and the only source of light was the full white moon. Pen was in the cabin on the ship, sewing the tare that the figure made in her wing. This was a difficult task since the rip was so close to her back. It had been about an hour and she had only gotten three stitches in.

The needle was taken from her fingers and that someone who did, began to sew up her wing, himself.

"You know how much I hate it when people help me, Eret." Pen told him.

"Well if I didn't help you then you would be here all night and no work would be done."

Pen rolled her eyes and muttered some curse words.

"Who was that?"


"The dragon rider."

Pen scoffed. "If only I knew."

"And if you did?"

"I would track him down and see how he likes it when his dragon's wings are sliced."

"Typical Pen." Eret thought.


Not so far away, lived the dragon rider with his dragon. He just got home with his Stormcutter. He removed his helmet to reveal a green eyed, long auburn haired...woman. She took her armor off and called over her dragon.

"Cloudjumper!" She called. The dragon ran to her. "You did well today."

A girl rushed in. She had platinum blond hair and grey eyes. She had wings on her arms, scales on her face and a spine covered Nadder tail. "Valka you're back!" She said.

"Indeed I am. How are you Emily?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Emily replied as she hangs Valka's armor up. "Free any more dragons today?"

"Some." Valka said. "But I saw someone last night. When destroying the dragon trapper's fort."


"Penelope. She survived; I was thinking you would want to see her."

Emily couldn't believe her best friend was alive. "She's probably being held captive. I have to save her." She thought.

She immediately turned into a Nadder (Yes, she can do that.) and headed for the destroyed fort.


Pen was in charge of the net launcher. She waited and waited for a dragon to come along.

"See Eret, I told you. No dragons are going to come here." She thought.

Suddenly, she spotted a purple Nadder. She gasped and as soon as the dragon was in range, she hit it and successfully shot it down. She rushed down from the net launcher platform, down to where the dragon landed. She was surprised to find there was no one down there, tying the dragon up.

"Where did they all go?"

"Help!" She heard. "Help me!" The plea for help seemed to be coming from the Nadder.

Pen ran to the dragon and found this Nadder was now, somewhat...human.

"Emily?" Pen spit out.

"Penny!" Emily smiled. "I'm here to rescue you."

"Rescue me?"

"Yes, now free me so we can get out of here."

Pen hesitated. "I don't need saving. I belong here. I was the one that shot you down."

"What? But-"

"I can't abandon my crew. I can't abandon Eret." Pen looked into Emily's eyes and saw fear. "But, you're lucky I know you."

Pen slipped out her dagger and cut Emily free. "Go. Now." Pen demanded.


"Go Emily! Before I change my mind!"

Emily sighed and flew off.

"And if you know that dragon rider, tell him Drago will hear about this! We will get our revenge!" Pen shouted.


"Where in Thor's name were you, Eret?!" Pen asked, furious.

"We spotted a dragon somewhere else. We were busy over there."

"Well I had to deal with a half blood while you were gone!" (A half blood is a person who is half dragon. Pen is not a half blood.)


"Yeah, but she escaped because you weren't there!" Pen lied. "I told her to tell the dragon rider that Drago will know about what he did to the fort and that he will pay for it."


"Where in Thor's name were you, Eret?!" Pen asked, furious.

"We spotted a dragon somewhere else. We were busy over there."

"Well I had to deal with a half blood while you were gone!" (A half blood is a person who is half dragon. Pen is not a half blood.)


"Yeah, but she escaped because you weren't there!" Pen lied. "I told her to tell the dragon rider that Drago will know about what he did to the fort and that he will pay for it."


Okay guys, I'm back and I hoped you liked this chapter! I had writen this chap before I laft but i didn't have time to publish it.

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