Crumpled Paper

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Pen was at the cove sketching a cartoon in her note book. This is what happened in that cartoon:

A girl was giving her heart to a boy and said: "Be's fragile."

The boy takes the heart and drops it. It shattered on the ground and the boy simply just walked away. The girl looked at her broken heart and began to cry. A few weeks later, the girl holds her broke heart in her hands, crying. The boy comes back and the girl asks: "Why did you do that?"

Pen was just about to start the next side until-"Pen?!"

She slammed her book closed. "Hiccup?! Is that you?!" She called.

Hiccup came walking into the cove moments later. "Hey,"


"Whatcha doin'"

"Nothing just drawing something."

Hiccup walked over next to her. "What were you drawing? I heard you're a great artist."

"No, it's nothing."

"No really." Hiccup took the book from her hands anyway and flipped to the page with her cartoon. Hiccup read it and knew why she made it.

"Hey!" Pen snatched the book out of Hiccup's hands.

"That was about you and Eret...wasn't it?"

Pen sighed. "Yeah...yeah it was." She admitted. "It's not done yet."


Pen was in the Great Hall working on her cartoon. As soon as she put her pencil to the paper, Eret and Astrid walked by and sat three tables in front of her. As much as she was annoyed by this, she kept on drawing and tried to not let it bother her.

She tried and tried to continue this story but she just couldn't. Nothing had happened between her and Eret yet. She knew she gave her heart to him and he broke it before walking off with Astrid. But then-what? Nothing had happened yet.

Pen got frustrated and overwhelmed and scribbled words that described how she felt and what she was thinking, all over the page. She crumpled up the page and threw it across the room before folding her arms on the table and dropping her face into it, bursting into tears.

As fate would have it, the paper that Pen threw, just happened to hit the back of Eret's head. He turned around to see what hit him and saw Pen with her head in her arms crying.

"Is everything okay?" Astrid asked him.

"Yeah, everything's fine." Eret replied.

They continued their conversation as Pen kept on sobbing behind them.

"Well, I better get going. Stormfly needs me." Astrid said forty five minutes later.

"Okay. I'm just going to go home and take care of a few things." He replied.

"K. Bye." Astrid gave him a kiss on the cheek before running off.

After she left, Eret reached down and picked up the ball of paper that Pen threw at him. He shoved it in his pocket and walked out. He went home with the paper. He went into his bedroom and sat on his bed where he opened up the crumpled ball. The paper was covered in words. Hurtful words.

"Heart broken. Torn. Frustrated. Blind. Angry." And then he read the sentences. "Why did you do this to me? You hurt me! I'm sure Astrid is better than me! Don't I matter? I thought you were my friend! I miss you!" There was one sentence that was smudged by a tear and he couldn't quite decide if it said "I hate you" or "I love you"

After looking at it closely he could make out an l....then a....o....then a....v....and a....e. It said "I love you"

It was only then did he realize how much he really loved Pen. How much he really cared about her.

He hugged and paper....just like he wanted to do with Pen.

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