I'll Never Let You Go

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Penny and Eret were in training. They were led outside. It was right on the edge of a cliff. It was pouring rain and the ground below them was nothing but mud. The two were given swords and told to fight. They were clueless. They didn't know how to sword fight at the age of thirteen. Plus, they didn't want to hurt each other.

"Fight!" The man barked. "Fight or I'll kill the both of you!"

Eret looked at Penny and lip synced; "Sorry."

Penny nodded, agreeing.


They began. Once they did, the man walked away and left them alone.

"Promise you won't kill me?" Eret asked.

"Of course. Do you?"

"Why would I kill me best friend?"

"Good question."

They kept on going. As they did, they wondered when they were supposed to stop. Was it to the death? They hoped not.

Twenty minutes into the fight, Eret accidently slashed Penny's wing.

"Ahh!" She screamed.

Eret stopped. He dropped his sword and rushed to her. "PENNY!" He yelled. "Penny, I'm so sorry I-"

"No, no, its fine it just hurts really badly." She backed up, not knowing how close to the edge of the cliff she was.

"Penny, watch out!"

She slipped on the mud and fell of the edge.

"PENNY NO!" Eret was able to grab Penny's hand and caught her just in time. "Are you okay?"

"I'm hanging on the edge of a cliff with my wing sliced and it's raining. Yeah I'm great." She replied sarcastically. "I can't fly up with a hole in my wing and you won't be able to hold me for long."

"Well, I'm not going to let go. I'll never you let go. Ever." He said. "Give me your other hand."

"Are you sure?"


She did as told. "You won't be able to pull me up."

"Yes I will."

To her surprise, he did. It took a lot but he did. When Penny was finally out of danger, she held on to Eret and he held on to her as if she was still hanging off the cliff.

"Oh my gods." Eret said. "I can't believe I almost lost you."

"I can't believe I almost lost you." She said. "Thank you."

"Welcome. Now let's get inside."

They ran as fast as they could to get inside. Penny held her good wing over Eret, acting as an umbrella. He never did like the rain.

When they got back to their cells, Eret could see the serious damage he had done to Penny's wing. It was a huge slash right through her dark navy wing. He knew he should do something. He remembered he had stolen a needle and thread when the men weren't looking during training.

"Eret I need you to do something for me." Penny said.

"What?" He replied.

"I know you have a needle and thread over there. Have you ever sewn something before?"

"I've stitched up my shirt a few times."

"Good." She said. "Because I need you to sew the rip in my wing."

He couldn't believe she knew that was what he wanted to do for her. She stuck her wing through the bars. He began to stitch up her wing. But he was scared. He didn't want to hurt her or do something wrong.

"Doesn't this hurt?" He asked her.

"Yes, but I've felt a lot worse. Besides, with all this training I really don't feel a lot of pain anymore."

Everything went smoothly from there. Eret sewed her up just fine and Penny could fly once again. But she'll always remember when she was hanging on to Eret for dear life as she was hanging off a cliff in the pouring rain. She'll always remember when he said to her; "I'll never let you go."


This chap reminds me of How to Save a Life By The Fray.


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