Slap a Jap

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AU pardon from The Pacific: Basilone's speech

Mature for language and racism.

Carrier boot camp.

"Everyone outta your bunks NOW!" Enterprise roused the new carrier trainees with South Dakota and North Carolina for an early-morning training exercise.

"How come we're the only ones runnin' like this every damn morning?" Intrepid sneered angrily, looking over at her sisters Essex and Bunker Hill across from her.

"To make us the best." Shangri-La whispered lightly next to Intrepid as the mad girl snipped back.

"Shut up. I'm so sick of this shit. I just want to get out there and slap a Jap." Enterprise just happened to overhear this and walked down the line to Intrepid.

"What did you say?" The hardest fleet carrier asked sternly.

"I said I wanna slap a Jap, Enty." The other essex-class girls chuckled at Intrepid's answer as Enterprise paused for a moment.

"Slap a Jap." Well, how 'bout it, girls? I bet you all wanna do more than "slap a Jap." Enterprise smiled with amusement.

"YES, MA'AM!" The new carriers replied loudly in unison, then when silent.

"Slap a Jap"... that's what the enemy is to you, huh? A fucking buck-toothed cartoon dreamed up by some asshole on Madison Avenue to sell soap!" Enterprise's playful tone sharpened seriously, walking between the two lines of "green" carriers.

"Well, let me tell you somethin': the Jap I know, the Japanese ship-girl she has been at war since you were in fucking DIAPERS! She's a combat veteran, an expert with her rigging. She can live off of maggoty rice and muddy water for weeks and endure misery you couldn't dream up in your worst nightmare! The Japanese ship-girl doesn't care if she gets damaged or sunk, as long as she sinks you." Enterprise explained with horrifying detail and stepped in front of Intrepid.

"Now, you can call 'em whatever you want, but never, EVER fail to respect their desire to put you and your sisters into an early grave. IS THAT CLEAR?" The white-haired carrier offered and threatened in the same breath.

"YES, MA'AM!" The Essex girls replied simultaneously as Enterprise continued.

"Why aren't you in your full packs? GEAR UP!"

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