Hard lesson

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"It will be ok Bel, just remember what I taught you." The older Belfast smiled happily as she had everything ready for the small maid on a rolling cart.

"Y-Yes." Little Bel smiled back unsurely, reaching for the sizeable tray.

"I'll be waiting right here." Belfast nodded lightly, opening the door as Bel lifted the tray and moved carefully through the door.

The door closed behind the small maid and looked ahead of her.

3 Royal ship-girls sat around a small table, waiting.

"About time!" A rough voice spoke up as it belonged to Monarch. Bel walked swiftly towards the pride of Britain as Hood sat across from the stern, redhead with Prince of Wales between them.

Bel couldn't look Monarch in the eye, the split second thought caused the young girl to trip and fall forward.

The contents of tray flew into the air as the kettle smashed on the table, spraying both Hood and Monarch as Prince received less damage. The cups and saucers smashed on the floor as well.

Lil Bel's blood ran cold.

Just outside the door Belfast straightened up instantly at the sound as she bursts through the door to see Monarch holding little Bel up by her collar.

"You clumsy little cunt!" The red-haired girl shook the poor small girl, dangling in mid-air as Belfast raced into the room, her eyes focused only on freeing Bel.

"Stand down Belfast...." H.M.S. Hood spoke up firmly, nodding to Monarch, who put the small girl on her feet and let her go.

The small silver-haired girl darted to her larger self, wiping her eyes repeatedly.

"It's ok, shhhhhhh." Belfast whispered uncomfortably as this wasn't good.

"But it's not ok, is it Belfast?" Hood asked knowingly, wiping her face and neck free of tea.

"Hood, if!?" Belfast tried to explain as Hood cut her off loudly.

"Silence!" Everyone feel a chill run up their keels as Hood continued.

"You have coddled this child long enough, I think it's time she learned what happens when you keep making mistakes, 3 lashes should to do it." Hood half-ordered as she dabbed her uniform dry with a napkin.

"Lashes?!" Bel looked up fearfully as Belfast protested against it.

"She just a!?"

"5 lashes then?" Hood didn't miss a beat as Belfast fell silent now.

"When I'm done with you, you won't be able to sail straight for a week." Monarch chuckled darkly as she reached out for the young girl.

"Wait!" Belfast grabbed Monarch's wrist.

"It's my fault, her punishment is my own as I have failed to train her properly." Belfast begged slightly as she was about to lose face.

"10 lashes then, and if you're not going to train her properly as a maid at least show her how to receive punishment properly." The blonde battle-cruiser reiterated as she finally looked Belfast face to face.

"Please! I'm sorry!" Bel cried out as Monarch leaned in closely to the Head-maid.

"I am going to enjoy breaking your stern in half." Belfast glared violently at the redhead's words as Hood looked over at Wales sitting quietly.

"Prince, please carry out Belfast's punishment." The blonde battleship only nodded as she adjusted herself.

Belfast saw it was a small victory as anything was better they letting Monarch have her way.

Belfast swiftly marched towards Prince of Wales, putting her hands up her skirt and pulling down her panties and tights.

She then held up her dress as she carefully leaned over Prince of Wales lap.

The head-maid only nodded as Prince raised her hand and unleashed her first strike. Belfast gritted her teeth as she knew Prince couldn't go easy on her.

"Thank you, may I have another?"

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