What if Hornet survived?

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October 27, 1942.

"Ohhhh man, I really screwed up Yorktown..." Hornet told herself, drifting aimlessly in the middle of the Pacific and bleeding out from the damage at Santa Cruz and failed scuttling.

"I've left Enterprise all alone..."

"Maybe if I stay afloat, they'll come back to get me." Hornet said dreamingly on her back, looking up into the clear sky above.

The carrier started coughing violently, pulling her coat tightly closed. She started to shiver from the blood lost and whispered quietly.

"It's cold, please just let me join...."

Hornet's eyes watered when she heard something.

"Who's t-t-there? Hornet asked the sky as she could barely move now, then her right eye opened wide, hearing Japanese voices.

"Wow, it's a real union fleet carrier sis!" The Sakura destroyer Makigumo said loudly as her sister Akigumo came up next to her.

"She's really hurt." Akigumo said sadly, seeing a large trail of blood following the Hornet like a crimson snake.

"Maybe we should put her out of her misery...." Makigumo suggested, pointing her torpedo launcher at the injured blonde.

"Wait! I bet Truk could fix her." The soft-hearted destroyer stopped her sister with puppy-dog eyes

"Are you kidding Maki? Yamato-sama would never allow such a thing!" Akigumo said with baited breath at her sister's silly suggestion.

"I'll take responsibility, now please just help me Aki." Makigumo begged her sister, reaching for Hornet's wrist as the blonde flinched away weakly.

"Ok, ok, ok." Makigumo said in English and made the matching hand sign.

"O... k...." Hornet understood and blacked out.

The two destroyers took the carrier by the wrists and started towing her slowly.

Hours later...

Dozens of Sakura ship-girls looked on in wonder and curiosity as the two tired destroyers dragged the heavily damaged union girl into the main harbor.

"Why did you bring that THING here!? The massive battleship ship-girl Yamato bellowed, storming over to where the two destroyers fell to the water completely exhausted.

"We found her out there all alone." Makigumo said breathlessly, helping Akigumo to her feet.

"Then you should have sunk her!" The massive battleship summoned her naginata and pointed it at Hornet's lifeless frame.

"What the hell is going on out here!!!" Another voice thundered over the entire harbor 10x louder than Yamato.

"Uh oh." Was the collective thought among the Sakura as a massive tanned woman came out of her office.

It was Truk atoll, also known as the "Gibraltar of the Pacific".

The muscular island woman wore a white fundoshi with bandages covering her chest, and a color matching hachimaki. Incredibly strict, the woman headed for the small group of ship-girls as everyone watched intensely.

"These two idiots brought an enemy to our base." Yamato threatened, swinging her weapon towards the two destroyers.

Truk tilted her head back with disgust at this as she stepped in front of Yamato and pressed her face roughly into the battleship's.

"Ehhhhh?! Who's base?" Truk Atoll growled darkly as Yamato felt herself being pressed down into the sand by Truk's sheer weight.

"Y-Your base." Yamato whimpered quietly as she was forced backwards.

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