No Sickle, All hammer

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Just a little Russian commission before I start a few other things. Thanks again Jun for all your time and efforts again friend.


I didn't really get too crazy for the story, so here's a little bit.

Russian Gulag #127.

"You ask her!" The Russian sisters Grozny and Gromky whispered viciously to each other in their prison cell as they looked out to their jailer, Sovetskaya Rossiya sitting at a large wooden desk across from them.

"No! You!" The two Destroyer girls began to wrestle around as the heavy chains around their necks and ankles clankled loudly on the cold floor.

"Keep it down, before "we" make you." Sovetskaya Rossiya ordered darkly, reaching into her coat and pulled out her most trusted comrade.


The two chained destroyers looked on with fear and amazement at the simple tool as the "loud one" spoke up quietly.

"I-Is it true what that Secret police woman did to you?" Gromky asked as Sovetskaya Rossiya chuckled, getting to her feet.

"You mean these?" The red-eyed woman tapped her metal teeth as she slowly raised the hammer to her right shoulder.

The two destroyers just nodded in unison as Sovetskaya Rossiya cleared her throat and started her story.

"Well, when the war started with the Germans everything changed. Even though I was unfinished, I was pulled in by the secret police as they saw my model and design were more Italian and German then they liked." The jailer sighed deeply with both Destroyer prisoners hanging on to her every word.

"I went through the regular interrogation like normal until this high-ranking bitch of an officer came in. She beat me for hours as I had nothing to tell her and that's when I met Zubolom..." Sovetskaya Rossiya just grinned at the hammer that was engraved with its name as nostalgic memories flooded back to her mind.

"That secret police officer worked me over real good, then completely unsatisfied with my answers..." The red-eyed woman began to walk towards the caged destroyers as she could see the fear in their eyes. "Well, there wasn't a sickle but there was a hammer and BANG she knocked out all my teeth..."

"When I was cleared by the "party" I hunted that motherless bitch down with a vengeance I never felt before. I learned where she lived, found the same hammer that took my teeth, crept into her room in the middle of the night and beat her to death with her own weapon in her sleep." The silver-toothed girl glared violently at both destroyers just outside of their cage as they stepped back from the bars, shaking.

"Now be quiet or you will meet Zubolom personally, understand comrade...?"

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