Open Game

486 3 0

Union locker-room.

"I'm beat..."

My body is so sore from swimming so many laps as I peel off my one piece bathing-suit slowly.

I fight back the achy pains with easy as my after workout high kicks in. I know I'm the only one in the locker, so why does it feel like someone is watching me?

Suddenly a set of hands grab me from behind, followed by a sly voice which shatters the silence and my nerves.

"It's her..."

"Uhhhh... Hey Minnie..." I groan weakly as I know shes back for more.

I tremble in place lightly, her rough hands cruise the front of body.

She doesn't care...

"Hey tumbleweed..." The tanned girl caresses my tender breasts, loving the burning muscles underneath her hands.

Her rare scent blasts my senses as I breathe her in deeply.

"Are you ready for the big meet this weekend?" Her voice is sweet and innocent, hands cruel and greedy.

"Minnie, stop, please..." I beg her, she's not listening.

"She never listens to me..."

"Shhhh, no one's here anyway Okie..." I blush deeply at my nick-name as her hands continued to molest me.

Minneapolis is so selfish, but caring as my moaning fills the empty locker-room quickly.

Her left hand dips between my legs, causing me to quake weakly, I want her to stop; I need her to stop...

"We're just good friends who help each other "release" their stress right? So why does she keep coming back...?"

"Hehehe, Stop lying to yourself Okie, you know you like it."

That's her line, but it's running through my head as I blush stupidly. Minnie presses my wet core firmly I pursing my lips shut, focusing on the feeling completely, I soak her fingers with my musky sex.

I can't even understand what she's saying to me now.

"Hey!" Minnie clamps my crotch harder, demanding I listen as I squeak meekly.

"Minnie!" Turning to meet her face to face, my face is flushed as hers holds a lusty grin.

"Ohhhh you're soooo cute Okie." The Indian cruiser compresses our bodies to the lockers roughly as I'm so tired from swimming, I can't even muster the strength to defend myself.

Minneapolis plants her knee firmly between my legs, deepening her fingers as her lips crush to mine.

Closing my eyes, I almost peak when I suddenly remember.

"Minnie, stop... She's..." I wheeze lightly as the native girl's grip and lips suddenly disappear.

"Uggh!" Minnie hits a set of lockers by the sound of it as I blink to see Minnie being held by her neck.


The dark-haired super-dreadnough was frowning as Minnie gripped her wrist on her small hands.

"So Miss Minneapolis thinks she can do whatever she wants, to whomever she wants, is that it?" Pennsylvania voice was full of accusation as Minnie gritted her teeth. It was the first time I'd seen Minnie really pissed off as she pulls rank.

"This is a personal "affair" Miss Penny, so please go about your business now." Minnie was formal on dozen of levels and funny enough most would of complied, but Penny was different from the others.

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