chap 9/ hc

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3rd pov:
The sound of bells chiming didn't attract the attention of the deli shop owner as he muttered 'welcome in' not bothering to stop scratching his lottery ticket.
"Hi Mr.Delmar!" quickly he put away the ticket and now gave his full attention to the enhanced teenager whom entered "Violeta! Como estás mija?" "Eh estoy bien. Y usted?"
"Ah tú ya sabes." his response earned a lighthearted laugh as she nodded her head in agreement. Violet pet the store cat as it rubbed itself on her body while purring, a small smile being plastered onto the girl's face at the interaction. Violet adored animals and the feeling was mutual.
"Where's uh your boyfriend?"
She scoffed "boyfriend? eres loco o que?" he defensively put his hands up, "que mala. I'm just asking." "peter is my friend, besides he kinda sucks doesn't he?" her question was directed towards the cat that meowed in agreement "but to answer your question he'll be in soon so no need to worry."
Violet noticed the new plant that the man had added to his collection. Because it was just purchased it obviously had yet to start growing. She slightly raised her hand up allowing purple wisps to travel from her fingertips to the plant; watching as it became fully grown in a matter of seconds. The store cat licked violet's hands before playing, rolling, and sitting on said plant. must be catnip
Mr.Delmar turned back around handing her a sandwich which she happily accepted. The man always made sure to have Violet's ready before she arrived; he would only do this for her.  "You know, I never noticed it but you kind of dress like my mom used to when she was younger." "And how is that?"
"Like a witch."
Violet gazed down at her outfit before tilting her head in confusion, "do i?" "eh similar to one."
Her outfit consisted of a long sleeve black lacey dress, sheer black tights, and black platform boots. She accessorized heavily with a variety of rings + necklaces. "Well my style came from my sister so I guess she's the real witch." he laughed at her response. Then he looked down, squinting in confusion "Hey, my plant-"
Finally Peter joined the two entering the establishment with a wide grin. "Ah look who it is."
"So sorry I came late." he whispered to Violet who shook her head insisting it was fine. Peter proceeded to order his usual sandwich + gummy worms while the girl continued to play with the cat. Mr.Delmar turned and asked, "how's your aunt?" to peter.
"yeah she's alright." he responded back.
"Ella es una mujer italiana muy caliente." mr.delmar told to his coworker making Peter shift "y como esta tú hija eh?" his clap back caused the man to send him a death glare. Violet stifled a laugh at both his face and what Peter had said.
"10 dollars." "It's 5 dollars." "For that comments it's 10 dollars." Mr.Delmar stated sternly causing Peter to turn his head to Violet in attempt to ask for backup, but she merely shrugged her shoulders saying "you should probably make it 15 dollars Mr.Delmar, that was a very disrespectful comment."
"What? No! Don't listen to her, i was only joking! Look here's 5 dollars." Mr.Delmar accepted the money but kept the stern gaze.
"How's school going kids?" he questioned to which peter answered "boring, got better things to do!"
his answer got a sigh out of the deli store owner, "stay in school kids, or else you'll end up like me." Violet's smile slowly fell into a frown "what you do is pretty great Mr.Delmar, if anything this place never fails to make me feel safe." Mr.Delmar could hear the truth that lied behind the girls words making his lips curve upwards. He handed Peter his sandwich before thanking the girl and watched as they left the establishment.

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