14: Power

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A year later. 

The structure of his knowledge was small to be compared with the human world and all that was in it, Oxias found himself off the reach of knowledge each time he was faced with anything human. The grueling days went by slowly and disheartened.

He had to study over and over again, he watched the TV and Sado explained the images, with her voice interrupting his thought his way goal seemed to get farther with the more she confused it all in his head. 

Phineas had taught him how to use the computer with him pretending he wasn't listening, in an attempt to keep his ego. 

He learned about houses, the sun, galaxies, humans and their feelings, their senseless actions, and their goalless life. He had never studied any being so weak and proud to be weak, so foolish and careless about it, so soft and supportive.

They danced, they cried, they laughed, rejoiced, and fought over little things. 

He had learned how to write in the human language and his study notes were more than he could count, he studied the animals and the plants on it, which he guessed he kinda loved. Plants were living things he didn't hate, and they seemed to be the only living thing he didn't despise like the others. 

His small space of a room was filled with plants everywhere on the corner and on the window seat. He spent hours in the space he had grown accustomed to. It was always warm in there, he hadn't stepped a foot out since the incident. He still replayed it over and over again in his head and each time he became furious about his harmlessness. 

Living with Sado, Phineas and Marcus, were one of the worse moments of his life. Sado was the worst. She would sneak into his room and begin to touch the plant, she still tried to get him to eat human food but it was useless. The reaction was the same: he threw up badly and it hurt, but she would never listen. Phineas would not stop being a perfectionist with his looks, he was handsome no doubt but he was somewhat desperate and stupid altogether. Marcus would go out for shows and would come back discussing on the phone loudly, sometimes he would lock himself up in his lab. The lab Oxias secretly wanted to explore.

Every day, Oxias would stay awake through the night watching the sphere set up for the day and the bracelets were still around his wrists. He hadn't received a single visit from anyone, when his mind wandered to his empty palace he felt numb as usual and sometimes angry over his absence and how they must be rejoicing. 

It was a usual day like other days when Oxias moved from one vessel to another taking notes and watching the roots crawl up the walls, sticky notes hung everywhere on the walls except around his bed which had a good three meters before the plant area. 

The bed was quite useless for his case, he knew no sleep, nor rest. Marcus often let him know someday he would be let out there among humans. He secretly hated the man's words and had no intention of living as a human. 

He moved to his canvas covered with paintings of his home. The human world was not interesting so far except for the plants. He had watched movies and other videos, they were banal and insipid, and repetitious. This annoyed him to the utmost point. He rather spent his time locked up plotting revenge and doing what he found worth it. 

He added the final touch to his canvas of war before sitting up and walking towards the door, he held his hand to the handle with no attempt of twisting it just yet instead he listened out for any sound in the living room. It was all quiet, ghost-silent. 

That was very usual, Oxias carefully twisted the handle and cracked the door open before setting out. 

His steps were carefully taken with caution he got to the bottom of the stairs, still silent. He walked to the kitchen, looked around for any warm-up blood Sado might have left, and found none, which meant her absence. 

That was the huge reason behind the soundless house. He walked back to his room and closed the door behind him. It was the perfect moment to practice all those fight moves he was taught while growing. His mother didn't only give him teachings on his supernatural powers but on his physical strength, he had a sword passed down to him by her which he, unfortunately, didn't have time to take. 

The moves she had thought of him were deadly, as the time went on and she passed he only relayed on his supernatural strength forgetting the ones she had thought, he only picked that up when he realized he might get caught up between two big humans again. 

His muscles stretched out from the force of his punch he proceeded with his back kick and exhibited the movement of the thirty-six steps of dragon. Ever since he picked up his training a year back he had done better and was less of a helpless dethroned. 

His body heated up and he felt a bit of the flame in him try to break loose, it was his wolf who was slowly waking from its slumber, he focused trying his best to break the bracelets when he was getting only 1% of what his power felt like. The bracelet began burning, it ached into his vein and he was rendered powerless by a little scream, he dropped to his knees before collapsing on the ground in exhaustion. 

He looked down at his burnt wrist which had severe bruises. He laid still on the ground, lips parted, and teeth clenching. It was hard on him already, way too hard. But he strongly believed he would break the bracelet someday and would be free. 

He gathered strength to sit up at least. The conditions were simple. He reached for a note and scrambled. *condition. 

*for reflection, realization, repentance. 

He clenched his jaw, that was impossible. He knew he had reflected thoroughly and maybe realized his mistakes for not killing his goddamn people, but repentance? He was far from that. 

He threw the note across the room angrily. It landed on the vessel of newly sprung roses, breaking some. He hurried to the plant quickly taking the note off, he hissed at his stupid mistake, half of the roses were ruined. 

He calmed down reaching to touch the damaged flower, he felt stupid and regretful. He had spent months nurturing and looking after his very new plant, Sado had brought the seed for him and found a vessel of cement. 

He sighed, he glanced at the shower and was slowly leaving when something brushed under his hand, he looked down at the flower with his brows showing his confusion, all the broken roses were back to normal and even bigger. He leaned closer to the flower scrutinizing them for any source of magic, but much to his greatest surprise he found nothing. The four walls around him began to be filled with whispers almost silent, it sounded like a crowd was approaching miles away. He turned around and even approached the window casting a gaze at the horizon other than the grasses he saw nothing. 

He could still hear the whispers growing louder as he returned to the plants. He watched the plants thoroughly the more he paid attention the more he could hear them singing. The PLANTS were singing. 

He stepped away from them mesmerized by the event, he turned around and left for the shower in confusion, he had heard of hallucinations, and had some could he be hallucinating. He walked to the sink where his gaze caught his reflection. He approached the mirror quickly reaching up to clap a hand on his glowing left eye. He split his fingers to have a little glance at his eye, his green iris glowed faintly. 

*plant, green, equals power.

A small smirk raised the end of his lips and his emerald eye glowed even more.

Guys! We're getting close to it! I mean Christmas. The global celebration of Christ and family time.

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