chapter 3

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Terrence's pov

Ah school. A place where I can hide from pain and the cruelty of reality. The school I attend is called Jacaranda School for Boys and Girls( don't ask me why it is named after a flower. I don't freaking know.) I chained up my bike,  pulled on my happy, cheerful facade and walked towards my friends. It's hard to walk normal with broken ribs screaming for attention,  but I gritted my teeth and walk until beads form on my forehead. " you ok man?  " my best friend,  Fox Miles asked with anxiety. "You look like you're crapping." Xander, my other bestie stated as a matter-of-factly. "Yeah I'm fine, just the weather and exercising." "Are you sure ..."Fox trailed off. "Aww I appreciate your concern, but you sound like a mother hen, Foxy Loxy.'' I joked with a playful smirk. They cracked a smile. Just as Xander opened his mouth to say something,  the bell to class rang. ''Ill see you guys at break! '' I called out to them. 

Oh wait,  did I show you my schedule?  Here it is :




4) ♥♥BREAK ♥♥


6)geography / language





The classes are the same everyday, so that's why I can learn it by heart. Anyways. I headed to my English classroom, and sat down on my usual seat,  third row from the door,  first row from the whiteboard. I took out my books and sat in my seat blankly, occasionally wincing at the pain from my headache, back, ribs bruises and scars. ''Hey Terry poo! !!!''came a high pitch girly shrill. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I recognize that voice 10 miles away from her.

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