Chapter 15

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A/n: contains violent actions. Read at own risk. (This is not the most brutal chapter, there is more yet to come. If any of you can't read violent stuff, let me know in the comments so I'll stop writing this story.) Enjoy!(^_-)

Terrence's pov
"Oh my gods are you ok? I am so so sorry!" He said, giving a hand to the person he knocked over to pull her up. "Yeah I'm fine, let me help pick up your cans." The girl said. As soon as she stood up, she met my eyes. "Terrence?" She said when at the same time I said "Ethel?" We laughed. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "And why do you have beer?" "Uh..." I need to think of an excuse fast. "Er... I'm delivering these to a house...?" It came out more like a question than a statement. Ethel just raised an eyebrow. "How do you manage to raise one eyebrow when I can only raise both ?" I tried to change the subject. She laughed, but then said, " I know you're lying." "Why are you so concerned about it anyway?" I fired back. "Because, smartass, a child under the age of eighteen is not allowed to buy beers. And since my dad is the new head of the police force, I can bring you to him and sue you legally~" she stated proudly. "Fine I'll tell you." I huffed. "My dad sent me to help him collect his beers for his house party tonight. He couldn't do it himself as he's busy welcoming guests." Its not a hundred percent a lie, so the fortunate thing is, I got away with the lie. The unfortunate thing is, she insisted to come with me. "You know its late and you should get your girls' beauty sleep." I tried to convince her not to come. "It's ok actually, my house is just a few blocks away. My parents know I'm just coming home from night school. They won't expect me until ten. I still have some time." I checked my watch. Fishcakes. I've been gone for 30 minutes! Steve is going to kill me. "Uh... ok but we need to be fast." I didn't care if ethel saw anything now. If i don't get my ass home fast, I am a total goner. When I say goner, I really mean a goner. I gave Ethel my bike and we headed towards my house. The curtains in the living room were shut, but silhouettes of my step father and his awful friends are visible. I fumbled with the house keys as ethel parked my bike next to the garage. "See you on monday!" She shouted. I smiled back forcefully. Just as I managed to get my keys through the key hole, Steve opened the door and I tumbled in. He slammed the door shut and pushed me on the floor in the living room. His friends and him started kicking and punching me. "THIS IS A PUNISHMENT FOR TAKING TOO LONG!" he shouted. I was desperately trying to cover my face. After 15 minutes if me struggling and them enjoying, they stopped. "I'm letting you off easy today, a**h****. Next time if you don't work quicker, you'll be dead, punk!" He lifted me by the hair and tossed me against to staircase. I wasn't very heavy for a fifteen year old, about 45 kg, and Steve had been a champion weigh lifter, so I was flung onto the staircase easily. I limped back up the staircase and into my room. To prevent him from changing his mind about letting me off easy, I locked the door. I lied on my tiny bed against the wall, ignoring the fact that my whole body was aching and my still broken, now dislocated and broken ribs screaming for attention. I sighed. It was a school night, for heaven's sake! Sighing, I sat up on my bed and looked into the mirror. I look pale, my nose was broken,(due to the ineffective covering of my face) and bruises on my cheekbones. My left arm lookes dislocated, as it is hanging limply in a awkward position. How am I supposed to go to school without anyone asking questions tomorrow? And my hair is coated with blood coming from god knows where.
I'm ditching school tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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