Chapter 14

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A/N : Its been a really long time since i update, I'm a troll, sorry o(>﹏<)o

Terrence pov
Oh my buttered toast. (a/n: don't blame me, I'm hungry.) Did i mention Steve beforehand? No ? Ok. Well, basically, he's my stepdad. My biological dad was "lost at sea". And my mom wanted me to have a dad again in my life, so she married Steve when i was 6 years old. He was kind at first, loving to my mom and most importantly, NO BODY ODOR. All was well before they're marriage.
Things changed after they got married and he moved in with us.
He started to drink an abnormal amount of beer, which leads to his moody attitude. He started to go to night clubs, and sometimes brings back poker friends and WOMEN. I found out when i was seven, and threatened to tell mom, but then he beat the BLOODY HELL out of me, saying if I told her, he'd kill me. So i kept my mouth shut.
"DAMN YOU BOY !!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE !!!" he screamed. I snapped out of my flashback, and ran down the stairs. When I got down, i saw him and five of his poker friends on the couch. "Boy, make yourself useful and go buy us 3 packs of beer. Money's on the table. Go!!!" He said while shuffling his pokers. "Sir, you know I can't buy beer, I'm 15 --" I was cut short by him slapping me across the face. "I don't give a DAMN about why, just go and get us beer,you ungrateful little worm!!!" He raised his hand in a ready to strike position, and I was out the door with the money before you can say "green jelly beans". (hungry. Don't judge;)

(Kids, don't try this. The following stuff terry and the shop assistant would do is illegal and bad. Don't lie to anyone ok kids?)
I ran down to the convenience store down the block and saw a 40s male store assistant on duty. Ah. This might work. I forced myself to yawn and rubbed my eyes until I looked like I was crying. Thhat wasn't so hard considering the sting on my face hasn't faded. "Hey man, you ok?" The assistant asked concerned. I started faking a story. "I ju,just bro,broke up w,w,with Melody...She-she's gone... England...why..." I fake sobbed. I sound like a girl but who cares. The shop assistant looked at me sympatheticly and comforted me. "Its ok man,I've been there, there are more girls in this world for you, just let her go... its ok... is there anything you can do to help ease the pain?" As if he know my pain. "Can you get me 3 packs of beer? I want to drink to forget her." "... it would be illegal, but I'm doing this just for you. Keep your mouth zip, k?" He said. "Right ! Yes of course!! Thank you !" I paid the guy and carried those beer out of the door, only to bump into a familiar figure.

behind the facadeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora