Chapter 9

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Recap : ''Geez thanks...Terrence?''I said shocked.

Ethel's pov

''Why did you do that?! I mean, I am so grateful that you just saved my sorry ass, but you didn't have to do that, I'm fine on my own! But I may not be fine and you just came and grabbed me away from that oaf and ...and...''I stuttered dumbly. ''You're cute when you stutter. '' said Terrence, with a still in a daze look. I felt my cheeks heating up a little. ''Earth to Terrence?''I waved in front of him. '' I'm in mars. Don't mind me. ''He said mocking serious. I rolled my eyes. ''Thanks for helping me out back there, even though I got it under control. ''''No way. You looked like a damsel in distress. '' I laughed when he said that. We walked back to the lockers hall. Luckily Josh wasn't in there. I went back to my locker and grabbed my things for the next class. (~~line skip to lunch because i'm to lazy to write down all the classes in between :-P~~)

Ethel 's pov (in case you forgot)

Lunch. I dread this time of school. In my last school ,lunch was a time when students turn into psychos. I would start with a small argument ,then a fight ,then a food fight ,then all the innocent people (*cough*me*cough*) would end up wearing a t-shirt splattered with spaghetti sauce ,hair with apple juice and sneakers with pudding. If you haven't experienced this ,I envy you. If you haven't ,don't even think about starting one. Trust me ,not a good experience you want to have. Anyways ,where was I ? Oh yeah ! Uh lunch...darn. I had unconsciously walked into the cafeteria. Well ,at least no one was throwing meatballs. I was starting to get happy when I realized that I had no place to sit. "Hey Ethel ! Come sit !" I heard a voice beckoning me. I turned around and saw Arianna waving to me. I walked towards her table and sat down. There was other guys and other girls at the table."Guys ,this is Ethel. Ethel ,these are my gang of friends." I waved and in return got a few "sup"s and smiles."I'm chaq ,the guy who's in the basketball team and single." I blushed a little.Chaq continued. "From left to right ,Alexis ,her bf Ryan , punk gurl Yolanda , her bf Fox ,Jack ,arianna and you know the dude next to you ,right ?" I nodded "Terrence Blackthorn ." "How the hell do you know my last name ?"terrence asked incredulously. "I have my ways."i shrugged and pulled out a carton of apple juice (a/n :don't judge .i like apple juice.), a chocolate chip cookie and a mac and cheese. "TERRY BEAR !!!!!!I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU!!!!!!!"a horrible girl shrieked behind me. Ugh. I asked terrence innocently , "Who died ?" Terrence laughed. A girl tapped my own shoulder." You're in my seat." "She sits here ,lawrence " Terrence said. The girl ignored that and pulled out a lump of black thing." I baked you a cookie.Try it !" Terrence took a bite reluctantly and spit it out almost immediately."ugh pugh blah !!!!"terrence managed. Lawrence girl stormed away as the whole table laughed." Here ,take my cookie as a comfort food." I said laughing "I decided i'm allergic to monica's cookies. "He muttered as he took my cookie."Ya not gonna kill me are ya ?"he asked jokingly and took a bite out of the cookie I made myself. "Can I have another cookie ?" he said after a few seconds of awkward silence. We laughed .Maybe the new school isn't really that bad after all . As the bell rings ,we grabbed our stuff and headed to the drama studio while chatting with each other.°{°;-)

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