The Wedding

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   Having never attended a Royal Wedding, I had no idea how busy the entire Keep would be. I had handmaidens surrounding me all morning, and when I was allowed to  leave my chambers, people were everywhere. I could smell the food, the flowers, and all the wine. I was beginning to grow very excited. Today, I would be Queen of Westeros.
   Margaery had helped me pick out what to wear and styled my hair. The dress was purple with veins of gold that curled into roses like those at Highgarden. Golden chains wrapped around my wrists and arms. A week ago, I would have viewed them as prison chains, but today I knew I was not a prisoner, for I had won the affection of one of the most vicious men in the Seven Kingdoms.
   My hair cascaded down my back in loose, girlish curls. But I was not a girl anymore. I was a woman. A woman who had killed, lied, and manipulated to get exactly what she wanted. And now that woman was marrying the King.
   I exited my chambers and walked to the doors leading into the ceremony. The two guards stationed outside opened the doors to the long walkway that would lead me to my future husband. When I walked in, my father escorted me down the aisle.
  The first thing I noticed was how many people were there. They all stood and clapped when I entered, but I did not hear them. My eyes were on Joffrey. He stood facing me. He was wearing a cream colored tunic with gold veins of roses in it as well. The crown sat nobly on his head. He looked at me with such intensity in his eyes and a wide smile on his face as I continued the walk to his side where the High Septon stood. My father then passed me to Joffrey.
   Joffrey extended a hand to help me up the steps. He whispered, "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," before holding me at arm's length. The Septon cleared his throat and I snuck a glance at Loras. Worry lined his features but he tried to conceal it.
   The High Septon spoke: "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," Joffrey removed his cloak and gently placed it around my shoulders. The Septon withdrew a ribbon and tied it around our wrists. As he did this, he recited, "In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one, for eternity." I shook at the word "eternity" and Joffrey gave my hand a comforting squeeze.
   The Septon then instructs, "Look upon one another and say the words," I take a deep breath and turn to Joffrey. This is the moment that will completely alter the course of my life and I am ready.
  I recite the words, "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am his and he is mine from this day until the end of my days."
   At the same time, Joffrey recites, " Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I am hers and she is mine from this day until the end of my days."
   Joffrey kissed me with so much passion that I felt my cheeks burn, but I returned the kiss with an equal amount of passion for the sole purpose of angering Cersei. The Sept erupted in applause and we pulled away to face our people as King and Queen. Loras looked angry. Cersei looked as if she had just swallowed an eel.
  I smiled and spoke to my people, "Now I believe there is a feast to be eaten!" Applause and cheers filled the room as Joffrey and I walked down the aisle as not only King and Queen, but husband and wife.
The garden had been lavishly decorated for the feast. The Lannisters and the Tyrells all sat in a covered area. I had paid one of the servants to sit Cersei as far from me as possible. I leaned over to Joffrey and whispered, "Before we begin the entertainment, we should make the announcement."
  Joffrey held my hand. "Wonderful idea, my love." He stood and cleared his throat. "Before we begin, Queen Isabel and I would like to announce that all leftovers from the feast shall go to the common people of King's Landing." The nobles all clapped and Cersei somehow managed an even more sour look on her face.
  "Let the feast begin!" Joffrey finished and sat back down. Two cages were brought out onto either side of the courtyard. A lion in one and a direwolf in the other. When the keepers released the animals, the lion charged the direwolf. Joffrey laughed beside me, "It represents the Lannister's defeat of the Starks! Isn't it brilliant?"
   The direwolf was obviously unwell. The lion was tearing it to pieces. I had to act quickly. "My dear, there aren't many lions left in the Seven Kingdoms and the direwolf seems ill. I worry the poor lion might catch whatever sickness has befallen the creature." I laid a hand on his shoulder.  
   "It would be a shame for such a majestic animal to die because of a mutt," he mused. "Thank you, my lady." He kissed me and called for the keeper to cage the lion. Joffrey then grabbed a nearby crossbow and shot the direwolf in the heart. "That was a demonstration of the extermination of the Starks!" A few awkward claps followed my husband's statement and I downed another cup of wine.
  From the corner of my eye I saw Cersei get up from her seat and wander over to Grand Maester Pycelle. Curious, I excused myself and followed her.
  "All the leftover food is to be sent to the hounds, not the peasants," she spat. "I don't care what that little bitch said, I am the mother of the King!"
  "But, my lady-" Pycelle resisted.
  "I believe it was the King himself who ordered the food be given to the people," I chimed in, frightening Cersei. "And it would be in your best interest not to undermine the King. If you'll excuse us, Maester." Pycelle nodded and shuffled off.
   I grabbed Cersei roughly by the arm and pulled her to me. "You are not as powerful as you think, Lady. Do not forget that you are no longer Queen Regent. The people don't like you, Cersei. And if you ever go behind my back you'll find that the people of Flea Bottom won't take kindly to an unguarded woman of your stature in the middle of their village," I hissed. "I have killed more men by myself than you have ordered killed. You would do well not to cross the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."
  Cersei stalked off and I returned to my place next to Joffrey with a smirk. "What was that about, Isabel?" Joffrey asked.
   "Oh, just getting to know your delightful mother. Now we should get on with the celebration." I kissed his cheek and downed another cup of wine.
   The evening soon ended with little trouble and I had gotten myself quite drunk. The nobles soon dispersed or headed on their way back to their respected lands. During the feast, the servants had moved all of my things into Joffrey's chambers. The dagger underneath my pillow was still there, but I would move it later.
   Joffrey took my hand and led me to his chambers. The reason for my excessive wine consumption - the consummation of our marriage - was expected.

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