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“Keep driving.” You instructed him, hiding your eyes behind shades. Jimin banged his hand on the steering wheel witnessing the scene in front of him. “Don’t act now, it’s crowded in this place. Let him move.” Clenching his jaw he agreed.

Getting out of your car wearing sunglasses, you walk in his direction. Making it less obvious. “He really thought we’ll spare him, just because we are out on a vacation?” Scoffing Jimin rolled his eyes. Red was all that he saw at that moment as the man dragged the girl into a silent neighbourhood.

“Go ahead and break his head.” Whispering in his ear you start to shout. Listening to sounds the latter was afraid. His hostage attempted to shout for help, he muffled her sounds. “Excuse me Sir, I saw a man dragging a woman in there.” Her teary eyes glazed with hope. The monster who was forcing her feared getting caught.

Pushing her down on the road he made a run for his life. Police officers gathered at the scene, you had already left after making sure he had set her free. Informing the police right after that. Using a public PC booth.

-31st October, 2021-

“Good evening granny Happy Hallowen.” Bowing your heads you greet the older woman. Jimin had told you about Lena’s Halloween dinner invitation. A splendid opportunity indeed. “Oh My! It’s my first time seeing you, young lady. Now I understand why Jimin couldn’t stop gushing about you in our previous meeting.”

Jimin once again turned beet red. Hiding behind you. “Haha what a shy kid you are, little boy.” He pouts at her, calling her a ‘little boy.’ “Thank you for inviting us over for today’s dinner.” She waved her hand as if it was no big deal. “Young people aren't generous or thankful. Seeing you both I am happy you respect the older generation.”

Inviting you inside, she asked you to sit down on the dining table. A grumpy man sat on the seat. You glanced at Jimin who was equally awkward as you. “Good evening grandpa.” Jimin decided to break the tension in the air. He hummed, reading his newspaper. “Joe, stop being so grumpy. You're scaring these kids.”

Lena plated the chicken and side dishes with rice on the table. “I’m not being grumpy, you can see I’m reading the newspaper. ‘P’ has gone all silent. I’m sure he’s up to something big. After his regular kills there’s no way he’ll put an end to his killing spree. Why aren't the police taking any immediate action? Passing an encounter order won’t help anyone.”

Jimin rubbed your thigh under the table. “He wouldn’t stop murdering innocent people. What have they even done to him? Humans like him don’t deserve to live. A burden that is what they are to society. Quenching their money hunger thirst by executing merciful civilians.” Your nails dug in your palm controlling your rage.

“Cut the slack Joe, you’ll chase out these kids because of your obsession with ‘P’ he isn’t even seen by the world. And you’re already on a chase to hunt him down.” Jimin looks at Joe. “Obsession?” He asked Lena, confused by her last said words.

“Yeah he’s obsessed with that killer. Since day one he keeps an eye on his killing. It doesn’t end here. Joe goes around telling his friends regarding ‘P’s’ recent kills.”

“I seriously hope ‘P’ stops and sets me free from this old man’s stupid obsession.” You fake chuckled. It was obvious Jimin was infuriated, nonetheless he kept it to himself quite well.

“I’m sorry you kids had to tolerate this old man’s stupidity. Let’s start with dinner.” Joe growled. “Don’t forget you're an old woman too.” Offering a short prayer she served food on your plates. You were secretly sharing messages with Jimin throughout the supper. Joe was gawking at the couple.

“Are you both really married?” Jimin nods his head. “Yes we are, it’s been four years already.” Taking a bite of Kimchi, he passed him a doubtful stare.

“As per what I know. Kids of your generation abhor the idea of marriage and commitment at a young age. How come y’all are married so early?” Jimin was offended by his statement.

“Grandpa, to get married doesn’t need a specific time or needs to be concerned and approved by our generation. If you are two adults madly in love with each. We can marry freely. Keeping aside our generation’s beliefs.” You answer his question. Barricading Jimin’s fury to lash out. “Hm, as you say.”

-10:30 P.M.-

Throwing his shoes on the doormat he marched in your house. Removing his tie harshly. “I swear to God, I’ll kill that oldie. How dare he cross-examine our marriage? Do we kill innocent people? What a joke! Should definitely give him a private trip to our basement.” Jimin was yelping. Locking the door, you back hug him.

“We do not kill innocent people. Forgive that old man. Let bygones be bygones.” His shoulders had dilated, back reflexing due to anguishment. “I’m fine with people labelling us as murderers. But to question our marriage I can never fucking tolerate on that part.” Turning around he smashed his lips on yours.

He poured his anger out in the kiss, cupping your face. Gently biting and sucking on each other’s lips. “Get changed, we got important stuff to handle.” Breaking the kiss you remind him. Heading upstairs to your shared bedroom.

-11:15 P.M.-

Iron chains tangled on his hand. Punching him vigorously. “You attain the record for the longest stay in our basement. We’ll kill you mercilessly, a slow death is what you deserve.” Sitting on the ground with bruises on his face he was begging for mercy. “Water,” he cried. His throat had gone dry. A week of torture, yet the couple wasn’t satisfied with him.

“You want water? Aww, Chim, I'll bring water for him.” Opening the fridge you grab a bottle of water. “Get down on your knees like a good obedient puppy.” His neck had been leashed like a dog. Without a single complaint he kneeled in front of you sprawling his hands out. Releasing the water in mid-air, you giggled at him drinking that ice cold water.

Intentionally pouring some on the ground. He forced himself down by licking the floor. Wailing out of happiness at the sweet taste of water. “We’ll play with you until you beg me to kill you. After all, you're our special victim.” Stomping his hand Jimin laughed psychotically.

Fingers? He no longer could tell they were apprised perfectly. His index and fourth finger had gone missing from his left hand. Along with both the toes from his legs being cut out. The side of his neck had a ‘P’ sign carved on it.

He never in his wildest of dreams had thought of encountering ‘P’ what’s even worse was him inviting death on his doorstep. He cursed his fate to have rung the doorbell of your house the other day in his drunk state. Too desperate to live, he didn’t beg Jimin to kill him. There was no way out of this hell.

He was eternally trapped. If death was the last choice for freedom he wouldn’t select it. His man ego was far beyond everything. The first day of him landing in this basement. He made the biggest mistake ogling his orbs at you. Jimin couldn’t hold himself and chopped out his toes.

Sending you out of the room. Since then it was Jimin torturing him. While you watched. ‘P’ was a couple, a really dangerous one. To come across them meant death. He was living that death every passing minute. “Stay happy tonight for I have better plans to attest then to torture you.” Spitting on his face Jimin and you left the basement locking it thoroughly.

His eyes meandered to the fridge placed in the basement. The only source of any equipment was the refrigerator. “Open my hands for once and I shall show you what a real man is!”

He was affirmed there might be some tool in it that can come in handy for him. Even in such an arduous state, his lust demon was still alive. Ready to hunt his new prey. ‘YOU!’

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