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Police patrolled in your colony. An immediate curfew was announced. “Wifey you’ve turned so slim. Eat this up.” Stroking your back he fed you. “And how are we gonna flee from here?” Smirking at you he gave that familiar look. “Oh I get it.” How could you forget you were ‘P’ nothing was impossible for ‘P.’ “Police are at our house. What are we supposed to do? We have proof in there.”

Jimin hands you water. You gulped it down, chewing on your food. “I had a hint that someday such an inconvenient situation would occur. That evidence is hidden perfectly. We’ll be having it in our hands, you don’t worry regarding that. Your state is triggering me. I swear on our marriage if we weren’t unarmed right now. I’d toture and instantly kill that bitch Mina. That baldy Joe, he needs to pay for speaking up against us.”

Pressing your lips in a thin line you snatch the plate from his hand feeding him. “Chim what’s more important is we escaped. We should plan everything out, really carefully. One wrong step and we’ll be behind the bars once again. It ain’t the best place. Those officers are fucking insane. I still can’t believe they were about to operate on me.” Laughing at the end of your statement you shoved rice in his mouth.

Jimin glared at you. “What’s so funny that you're laughing? They almost killed you. Stole away my breath and my reason to survive. If that scalper had touched your skin. I’d go on a terror filled blood rampage. One that they can never imagine.” Jimin’s neck vein popped, tightening his grip on the chopstick.

“Nothing can happen to me. None can touch me when my husband exists. If I die you'll chase my soul. I’m affirmed of the adoration you adhere towards me. And I'm laughing because I find it low-key hilarious. They are so dumb, to think they could exterminate me so damn easily. Mina underestimates us a bit too much doesn’t she?”

Jimin despised Mina, your aphorism summed up to his exasperation. “Mina needs to be taught a lesson. In a new skeptical way, one that would remind people in ages not to mess with us.”

After eating your meals you lay on bed, too tired to change your attire. “Want me to dress you up.” Gaining no reply, he took it as a “yes.” Throwing one of his oversized white shirts on your frame. Your head rested on his left arm. Cuddling with his manly figure. “I’m craving for some ice cream.” Jimin hummed massaging your thighs. “Why are they swollen? Did they tire you out by overworking?”

Your silence gave him the answer he needed. Clenching his jaw he squeezed the sheets harshly between his fingers. “I’ll get you ice cream tomorrow I promise. Sleep for now.” Placing his lips on your forehead he sang a melody for you to fall into slumber. “Dust and garbage are two different elements. My target falls in the same category though. The category of death, pain and endless toture.”


Police unlatched your house. More like broke in. Ryu brought them to the basement. However, it didn’t have a single stench of blood or dark walls, as usual. Instead it was super clean and smelled like flowers. “He changed it. This room was dark and had shackles. I’ve been here. There was a semi-broken chair.” Cops did believe her. Lack of any evidence left them frustrated.

“Miss Ryu, the laptop you had mentioned about earlier in the court. Can you recognise it?” She bobbed her head. How could she forget that electrical appliance and pendrive.

“It’s an oil red laptop and a black pendrive. The 124 GB capacity one.” They noted down the points. Going through the cupboards, sighing in vain there was nothing left behind to search. It was all a game they were trapped in. “Jimin is an intelligent man. Nonethless he has this dumb side in him. Obsessed with his wife’s safety. He’d definitely hide it in a place where Y/N’S priority lies.”

Mina came into the scene. They applauded her intelligence. Scattering in different rooms to find stuff. Returning with disappointment. “Mam there isn’t anything here except clothes and basic amenities. Not even those deadly tools they had used on their victims. We should check their garage, it's the last location left.” Mina agreed.

They forced open the louvre. Unlike their last time, it was opened effortlessly. There wasn’t any car. Mina banged her palm on the wall. “I knew there was something wrong by the way we entered the garage. Jimin is powerful. He was imprisoned but that didn’t hinder his plans to hide the evidence.There’s someone secretive involved in this case.”

Mina’s assumptions have always proven to be correct. She had to find that person. “Mina I love you.” a text pinged on her phone. Reading that a smile instantly curved up her lips. Quickly replying to his text. “I love you too.” There was no further reply from him, Making her anxious. I-I can’t believe this. Is this really happening?”

Pinching her wrist she was squealing in excitement obliterating she had a case to attest. “Madam Mina.” Her colleagues had confusion plastered all over their faces. “We should look through motels and hotels throughout the entire city. And inspect public toilets as well. They must be obscured in one of these destinations.” Her reasoning was apt. Nevertheless the destructive feeling of fresh love in her heart was on the edge.


“Good morning wifey,” tucking loose hair strands behind your ear he admired your morning face. Jimin had missed this view the past month. Finally now he had you in his envelope. “Good morning.” Shrouding your arms around him you curl yourself in his embrace making him giggle. “Still sleepy?”

“More than you could imagine. Sleeping on smelly prison floors for almost a month ain’t any joke.” He shut his eyes. Controlling himself. Every second Jimin was losing his temper to not barge into the police station and shoot Mina and her minions. “For how long would we stay here?” Slightly opening your eyes you asked. He placed his hand over them, shutting your lids. “Maybe another week, you should rest well.”

His wife’s security bothered him. Mina wasn’t wrong when she had assumed: to Jimin his wife is his everything. ‘P’ was started due to you. Jimin lived in fear of you getting caught. He no longer has this constant fright in his heart and mind. He had already experienced consequences. Jimin learned from his mistakes, and is prepared to act wisely.

“Why don’t you wear that nightgown we bought last year?” Whispering in your ear he pecked your lips. “I haven’t even woken up and you desire to make love? I guess we could be naughty in such a critical time. It’s always impossible to trace us here. For us to make love you’ll have to wait till night.”

Jimin pouts. “Fine, I’m eagerly anticipating for the night to approach.” Love making was just an excuse he wanted to distract you from those terrible nightmares you were bound to face in the upcoming days.

“Whom are we gonna kill first?” Titling your neck, you place a hand over his chest. Clad in his shirt and panties underneath, with legs tangled together. “Who do you want me to kill?”

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