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Mina slamming the ‘P’ couple card on the couple left the entire court dumbstruck. “To prove my point, I have their neighbour Joe here with me.” Your eyes met with Jimin's, who was equally bewildered as you. “I should have killed this oldie the last time he showed an interest in us.”

Gritting his teeth he regretted him not killing the older man. “Your honour please listen to Grandpa Joe, this could prove Y/N and Jimin are involved in all the murder cases concering P.” He debated, nevertheless agreed. Lou started questioning him in the witness box. “Mr Joe, how did you find out they were ‘P’ was it accidentally?” Joe nodded his head. “Yes it was.”

He starts explaining everything that had occurred the previous week.


Jimin parked his Mercedes in the garage. Joe had come out of his house, confused seeing Jimin walk out in bright daylight. He was aware of his wife being sent to prison. For the first time he saw him moving out without worry lacing on his face. He found it quite suspicious. Paying no attention to him, he went inside his house.

Around 4:00 P.M. when Jimin was asleep. Police had come to investigate your case. Starting straight from your neighbours. Lena was caught off guard seeing police at their residence. Mina was conducting this survey. “We are not here to harm you. Y/N is guilty and to prove her crime we require your help.”

She didn’t know what was happening. Since the start Lena couldn’t believe you had murdered someone. Jimin’s breakdown every night was heard in their house. “I knew it, that couple was up to no good. From the very start I was skeptical why did they marry each other so soon? Officer Jimin was acting weirdly today. I saw him this afternoon coming out of his garage with a green polythene bag. Jimin also has this dangerous aura surrounding him. He’s always protective over his wife and won’t permit her to stay alone. From the day Y/N was arrested he had lost his sanity. Breaking down his house appliances. The impact of it resonated in our premises.”

Lena was shaking her head, at Joe’s revelation. Jimin was a kind man in her eyes. He occasionally spoke to her and even helped her by running a few errands due to her old age. “Did you see in which colour car had he come?” Joe shook his head. “I didn't. All I saw was him coming out, that's it. You could do a secret check in their house.”

Mina grinned at the idea Joe had suggested. Commanding her squad she hedged your house. Shooting a bullet at the shutter but there was no effect. No alarm, nothing. Silence lingered in the air. Using constant force they were trying their best to break it down.

Jimin stood near the window hiding himself behind the curtains. “Intruding is a bad habit, officer , you'll pay for it.” There was a mistake he made there. Not looking through why she had actually come here? Alarms did go off in the house when the shutter was banged. It was unknown to the officers.

“They have high tech technology set up in this home. This ain’t what a normal couple does. Let's go back.” She sneaked out the same way she had come. Jimin failed to read her lips.


Victor the judge who was appointed to attest your case was shocked. “Your honour Mr Park Jimin uses an 'A quality security' which is often used by military bases. The access to such cameras and alarms ain’t given easily to civilians. Which refers to only one thing. They are smugglers as well as murderers.”

You lost your temper at her allegation freeing yourself from the police’s hold gripping her neck. Choking the life out of her. “What did you say? We are murders? I tolerate anything against me. But not on my Jimin, who the fuck are you?” Jimin was panicking, it was over. Mina had found out everything. Joe was on her side. Lena sat in the back, pitying him. “I’m sorry Jimin, my husband ruined your happy life.” Wiping her tears she hid her face with a mask.

Officers had to cuff you again. Mina was coughing up gasping for oxygen. “Her behaviour proved it to all your honour that she's a psycho along with her husband. This voice recording is another strong evidence in this case.” A mini phone was handed over to Victor. He played the recording.

“I hate that Mina, she’s a stupid whore. Once I’m out of here I’ll torture and painfully kill her.” 
“We’ll do it. Have patience for me mhm?”
“I’ve brought lunch for us. Act strong, you did well. As for Lou, I'll bribe her with money, you shouldn’t worry about that part.”

Jimin balled his fist. New secrets were getting revealed. “Your honour after Y/N was set free during break. I had doubts Jimin would say something secretive, so I decided to follow them. And eavesdropped on their conversation. This voice clip is of their planning. They’ve killed innocent citizens now they are planning to buy lawyers and misguide our law system. I urge you to announce a death punishment for them. Let this be a lesson to everyone who attempts to challenge rules and regulations.”

Victor eyed officers. They immediately took Jimin in custody. He stood opposite to you. Your orbs beseech him to calm down. “Your honour this is a made up story by Mina. I have complete rights to take my case to another court. If I fail to receive rightful justice I can appeal it to the supreme court.” Victor sighed.

“Park Jimin, every piece of evidence is against you and Y/N. The court would however give you a chance to prove yourself innocent. The following week we’d be having another hearing for Park Jimin and Park Y/N’S case. Until then, the court commands for them both to be kept under custody. To prevent any future mishap. The court is dismissed.”

He was dragged away to a police van. They locked him in a cell. “You mocked me last time didn’t you? 'P' needs to be tamed. First I’ll tame you and then I’ll visit your wife.” He was the same cop from the police station. Jimin tugged on the cuffs. His anger had apprised when he mentioned you. “Free me you asshole. Fight like a real man.”

Scoffing at him he grabs his shoulders. A few men tied Jimin's hands above his head. His body hung in the air. “You wanna be a man? Fine. These soft lashes won't affect you much.” Bashing the iron stick on his body he laughed evilly.

Jimin yelped out in pain. His figure had numbed. Nonetheless he didn’t ask them to stop. The immense torture he was facing was unexplainable. Cold water was splashed on his wounded hull. Violent punches were rendered on his face. Blood dripped down his nose to his chin. He was about to beat him again. A subordinate cop barged in. Panting heavily.

“Sir, he wants to meet you.” Ryan gawked at him. “Me? Why?” With shivering hands he wiped the sweat beads off his forehead. “You broke the rules. He demands your presence.” Ryan quickly corrects his uniform. Jimin wickedly chortled. “Done with your fuckery? You police officers are dogs who are tamed by their higher officials. How would you tame me? When you’re a stray dog in the process of taming.”

Ryan was ready to thrash him for his retort. A shaky sigh from his junior reminded him he had to meet up with their senior. “I’ll come back to you.” Once he had left, the remaining officers untied him. They avoided his gaze. Jimin was spitting out blood. Wobbling his way he fills himself a glass of water. From the mud pot. Drinking it while hiccuping.

“Count your days fellas. It’s your time today, tomorrow would be mine.” Warning them he laid on the dusty floor. He had lost everything. His freedom, his wife. Vengeance and destruction were his favourite elements to accomplish from this very day. Those times when he cried at nights missing you. He wasn’t aware Joe and Lena had heard him.

They were writing notes on his behaviour. Nonetheless, they imparted him a lesson. One that he’ll never forget for the rest of his life. “Don’t spare your victim, eradicate their existence and set yourselves free.” Jimin was definitely gonna implement this new preaching for his future tasks. 

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