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“WHAT DID YOU DO JIMIN?” Taehyung pushed him aside, patting your cheeks. “Y/N, wake up. Jimin didn't mean to do that. He loves you a lot.” The former taps his shoulders. “Its fine Taehyung, she's in a better place now. Away from all these miseries. She'll forever be an angel in our lives.” Giving him a sympathetic look Jimin rubbed your cold feet. Placing your head on his lap, the latter was mourning over your death. Pleading you to wake up.

“How could you kill your own wife Jimin? She loved you crazily. Everyone could see that. Why didn't you give her a chance to explain herself?” Punching his face he gawked at him with hatred. “Explain? What would she explain? That she was forced by her ex boyfriend who's my best friend to date me? Marry me? While he stuck around with us to make sure I treated her right? I'm not a blind person. I could see the love she had for me. Anyone could. Was it really needed? Starting off a relationship on the basis of lies?”

He didn't have an answer to his question. All he could say was only one thing: “she didn't deserve death as a punishment for her deeds. When all she craved was the warmth of her lover, not the cold feet you offered her. Putting her into a slumber which we both know she'll never wake up from ever again.”

Those proclamations were a reality check to him. “She chose you in the past. And even in the present. Yet you failed to appreciate her existence. Each time she went missing and you cried she's found her way back to you. To heal you from the pain her absence caused you. Why couldn't you see that all? Even while you choked her to death she pleaded with you to listen to her for once. She didn't beg to live.”

Closing his ears he didn't let Taehyung continue any further. “Stop guilt tripping me. You could have saved her, if she was the right one according to your theories. I did my job and saved our friendship the same way you did in the past. You didn't let a girl destroy our brotherhood. And I've returned you that favor today. We are even as of this moment.”

Shaking his head he placed your head on the couch. “There was nothing between us even since the start. You were always the best one. Nevertheless, you failed to acknowledge it. Even while you were with her. She took up all the pain for herself. Each time you found yourself in some blunder you caused. Be it the prison scene or the fire accident which was planned all along. The man whom you spoke to in the restaurant had helped them distract you. His sister's life was at stake if he didn't follow their threats. By killing her you've killed a part of you. She managed to find it. And keep it alive. I didn't believe she was alive, you did. Your love was always the overpowering one. Seems like you were insecure from the beginning. Taking away her life in the end. Afraid she might choose me over you.”

Only now did reality sink in his mind. “No you're lying, stop lying. Staring at the lifeless body in front of him. His eyes pooled with moisture. You were never going to wake up. “I didn't mean to do this. It wasn't my intention to kill my love.” Hiding his hands in his hoodie he shouted at the male in front of him. Who was crying.

“Stop denying at least now. She's dead. Pay homage to her sacrifices.” However, he wasn't ready to accept. Running out of the house finding himself a place to escape from his miseries. “It wasn't me who killed her. I could never exterminate my wife.”


His back rested on the bed. Staring at the outside world. The past month all he could do was visualize the bright lights that illuminated the world making it appear lively and charismatic unlike what his life was. He blamed himself for being the cause to snatch the color away from his life.

“Ironic how you happened to be the butterfly in my destiny. I'm scared of butterflies. You lured me with your beauty and I tore apart your wings like every other human. Once they've trapped the creature. Each thing is pleasing to the sight until they have it. And when they do the worth it carries along with it has lost its value in the process of illusioning the life of others with all they have. Why did you choose to play the role of a butterfly in my life? You happily gave away your wings and breath to see me satisfied. Was it really worth it? Me snatching those wings for momentary happiness?”

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