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It was a dark cell I was trapped in, no source of light or food was provided to me. Joe, I felt sympathy towards you. Now I don’t, I fucking don’t. Sparing you was the biggest mistake of my life. The grumbling and twisting in my stomach gave me a strong hint to puke. Gripping the dirty bars with my shivering fingers. I yell out for help. “I’m not feeling well.” Footsteps were seen, lifting my head up. Mina’s mocking face came into my view. “Y/N what do you want?”

“I wanna puke.” Looking her straight in the eyes I state. She chuckled. “You think I’d believe your lies?” Bitch you have to believe me. If you don’t hurry I might as well just puke on you. “I knew you’d be suspicious of me. Why don’t you and your officers stick by my side?” She agreed as I did have a point. Pointing her gun at me she unlocked the clink.

Pushing me forward to walk. My head was spinning, it was probably due to weakness. Three muscled women jailers surrounded my cubicle. I was emptying my hungry stomach out. These puking noises made me sick to the core.

The pain in my head was discerning in my sight. Leaning my breathless hull to the wall. I tried to balance myself. Black spots surrounded my vision.


Mina banged on your cubicle hearing no sound she barged inside. Seeing you fainted in that spot. Checking your pulse she was confirming whether you were acting or not. “Call the medics.” Your unconscious figure was taken away in a stretcher to the prison infirmary. Doctors were panicking after going through the reports.

“She’s pregnant officer Mina. Y/N fainted due to weakness. I highly suggest you don’t toture her in this condition.” Mina tightened her grip on her gun. Gritting her teeth. “That bloody bastard Park Jimin. He impregnated her? How far is she?” Handing Mina a file she gave a brief detailing of your health.

“She's in her second month. Turns out she’s unaware of her pregnancy. You should release her.” Mina shook her head. “No fucking way I’m setting her free. After investing day and night about her and Jimin. I won’t destroy my efforts.”

Mina had a better plan in her head. “Send Park Jimin this information.” Giving a photocopy of your reports she smirked at her plan.

Jimin was hammering in the stone field. “Why the fuck am I trapped here? I’m supposed to be teaching dance to my students. Or even better, Kill Joe and Mina.” Applying force on the rock he was cursing in his heart. “I have something for you Jimin.” Ryan was wickedly leering. Jimin snatched the file from his hand.

His eyes teared up, reading the document. “My Y/N is pregnant?” Ryan started laughing. “She was pregnant. Mina is applying for a plea in the court for her baby to be aborted.” The hammer in Jimin’s hand was spun across Ryan’s head. “You’ll hurt my Y/N? MY Y/N?” Blood flowed down his face.

His skull was disproportionate to the ground. Officers rushed to his aid, shoving Jimin back into his cell. He was clutching onto that tattered piece of paper. “I’ll save you. Wait a little longer for me Y/N.” Murmuring to himself his head hung low.

News of the day: “Park Y/N a suspect to have been ‘P’ is pregnant. Law has been passed for her unborn baby to be aborted. Since she’d be sentenced to death in less than a month. Due to the numerous murders she had committed with her husband. What are your opinions regarding this matter?”

Bright lights shone in the hospital room. You were unconscious. Mina had drugged you with a high dosage of anaesthesia. After gaining your consciousness you had made ruckus; she had no option left but to drug you. “Scalper.” Unlike the usual abortion procedure they chose to operate on you.

Considering your weak state. Operation would be an even riskier choice. Mina didn’t care about that fact. All she desired was to eradicate the baby from the frame. Your unborn child was an obstruction in her victory. To make it worse for Jimin she had ordered to live telecast the surgery to him. He was forced to watch his wife on deathbed. Flinging his arms on the chair he was held captive. Yelping for them to stop.

Positioning the scalper on your womb the doctor was about to pierce your flesh. Before it could touch your skin, the door flung open. “You can’t perform on her. Court has declined your plea. If you do so, whoever is involved in this would be sent to prison.” Ryan was the one who had come to inform them of this news.

Jimin breathed out relieved. Cops present next to him, glanced at the screen unsatisfied at the sudden declaration passed by the court. At early hours of afternoon it was confirmed you had to get an abortion. Nonetheless, they understood this was a critical case. Any sort of mistake would lead each and everyone to pay a high price.

Mina was pacing back and forth in her cabin, chewing on her nails. “Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! You escaped death once again. That sin growing inside your tummy is a new hindrance in my life. You’ll have to die Y/N a few more days and it’s game over for ‘P’ your Jimin would be helpless. I promise to reward him and garner him the opportunity to witness you being hanged first then render him sweet death.”

Jimin was doodling on the muddy ground with a sharp stone he had found in his bastille. Drawing unsculpted figures of you and him. “Park Y/N and Park Jimin forever.” Clapping his hands satisfied at his creation he was chortling.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Turning his head to the voice. He showed him his art. “Isn’t it beautiful? Me and my wife together?” He mocked Jimin’s stupidity. “Your wife is a psycho, so are you. This painting is so ugly.” Ushering his footsteps he moves out of his cell. “Naive people judge me easily.”


Sleeping on the cold floor you were staring in oblivion. “Is Jimin aware of my pregnancy? What would have been his reaction.” Chuckling wondering what would have happened if he was present beside you. You were imagining various scenarios.

“He’d shower me with kisses and spin me around. After all, he's a romantic and caring husband. Proclaiming: “wifey we are gonna be parents soon. But I’ll forever be your first baby and vice versa.” Mimicking him you were talking to yourself. Unknown of a person eavesdropping.

“Your baby won’t survive. I promise this to you Y/N.” Mina stomped her feet in vexation.

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