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Jimin’s eyebrow murked standing in front of the cell. The view inside the bars wasn’t at all pleasant. He had been there in here once, and knew it definitely wasn’t easy to be in there and tolerate each and every torture rendered by the so called police on you.

“Tae,” he whispered his name. The male lifts his head up, hidden behind his palm. From the looks of his condition it was more than obvious he wasn’t fine. “Welcome back,” he smugly grinned, despite his worn out condition.

Who could have told this was the very same man, who’s been held as a prisoner for betraying the government and the law, preaching nepotism for his very own favors. Whatever might be his reasons, they weren’t worth being justified anymore. It was clear he was the one at fault for ‘P’ to escape from the prison after the long-ass efforts put up by the government to subjugate them in ending crimes.

Now, it has begun again, this time at a wider range and a fresher scale. One that couldn’t be easily stopped by anyone. The infamous psycho couple had someone from their very own department the most trusted ally as their mender and saver.

“We’ll soon remove you from this prison, Tae.” Fire ignited in your eyes gritting your teeth while you said those words. “Do they have any proof against you?” Jimin asked with his bloodshot eyes. “Ryan, he was the one who put me behind the bars. Apparently he happened to eavesdrop on my conversation with you and record it on his phone.” Scoffing at the truth. Familiar scenarios played in your head.

“Mina, that bloody woman had played the very same game with us.” Jimin had a similar expression held within him. “Time to play some rough cards to defeat the joker. Not always are kings and queens supposed to win the game. Why use them, when the soldiers could claim us victory without actually trying to get into the battlefield.”

Taehyung’s mind swirled with all the possible outcomes of your exclamation. As for Jimin, he already had an idea of what was about to come next? Ryan and Mina, two villains struck in your story like the evil magician in Aladdin. There was a twist in your story though. There ain’t gonna be no genie to save you. It was ‘P’ and solely ‘P.’

“How many more days are left for the hearing?” Taehyung breathed in deeply and replied “two,” he wasn’t at all happy you had returned and all due to his careless behavior revealing the biggest secret of ‘P.’ “Y/N, return back to Australia. Your safety matters, I’ve come to know from Yoongi Hyung the problems you had faced while you were there. Another one coming in store for you because of me is definitely not something I’m looking forward to.”

Rolling your eyes at him. You step backwards. “Listen up here Kim Taehyung, I don’t accept favors, since you’ve already done one on me by saving us the last time we were here. I’ll remove you from here and make it even.” Jimin shook his head.

“Even at times like this, you wanna live up to your bad girl image don’t you Y/N?” Taehyung chortled. Moving to sit on the dusty bed that was provided in his cell. “You know her very well. Prepare for your leave, you might not stay there for longer.” Jimin winked at him, sneaking out of the building handing him a small pouch.

“Where are we heading next?” Sitting in the black limousine he tied your seatbelt. “To home of course, you don’t hope for me to come up with a solid plan without a good nap, do you?” Hitting the pedestal he nods his head, driving off on the busy road. ‘P’ was back on track and there was no one who could stop them now or was it just a myth?


“Kim Taehyung, is commanded to present himself in front of the court and the judge.” Taehyung was brought up in the court with his hands tied behind his back and face hidden under a black clothed bag. He wasn’t at all pleased with this treatment he was receiving at this very moment. He knew all his deeds shall be telecasted live on television.

“An honorable and humble police officer ends up as a hidden hyena” would be the news of the next morning or the very next moment. Everything was crystal clear. Amidst all this chaos he wasn’t being harmed or touched physically. The immense punishment that had to be rendered to him was never presented. He was well aware it was due to you and Jimin. For the authorities would never beckon down their values and quirkiness to torture their victims.

“Remove his mask.” The judge ordered. He was made to stand in the witness box. The bright light made him feel blinded. Getting adjusted to humiliation and disruption of his self respect was something new to him. Higher officers were seated; it was a very confidential matter, which wasn’t that confidential after all with the presence of reporters and journalists in line to interview him after the much awaited hearing they had anticipated for.

“We are gathered here today, to bring justice for the deceased victims murdered ruthlessly by the hands of ‘P’ and their savior being one among from our own disciplinary department. Kim Taehyung, do you agree all the blames and allegations made on you are true?” He inhaled and replied a cold “yes,” the court fell into a loud husher-busher. Generals and marshals were throwing insults at him and rage of despisal.

The sound of doors flinging open violently reverberated with the hammer the judge struck on the wooden pad to silence the courtroom down. It wasn’t the hammer that made people glued to their seat. It was the sudden unexpected entry of the couple in the room.

Ryan, who had sat in the furthest corner of the room, shivered insanely in his place. Clutching onto the arm of his senior who was equally paralysed as him. “Park Jimin and Park Y/N,” he murmured in fright.

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