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“And what am I seeing here?” Peeking his head in the cabin he meekly grinned showing his teeth. “Hyung, you’re back.” Jimin stood up from his chair embracing the male. ”I’ve been away just for a month and you seem to have missed me a lot.” Teasing the latter he pats his shoulders. “I can’t help it, you are the only person I’m close to after Taehyung,” Yoongi sits on the stretcher. “That’s a true fact. Now fill me in with details on whatever happened in my absence.”

Drinking the water from Jimin’s bottle he anticipated for an explanation, “Sora wanted me to join her for some conference in Toronto.” Yoongi gasped not out of surprise rather happiness. “I knew she had a thing for you.” Rolling his eyes he frowns at Yoongi’s excitement.

“You’re already aware of my intentions towards her. She’s a sister to me and a best friend. Y/N is the only woman I’ve loved and will continue loving her. I may claim Sora is my best friend but never could I share all my insecurities or miseries with her. The same way I did with my wife. She left this world and so did that old Jimin in me. I wish I hadn’t gone out to buy food for us. Regret is all that wrecks my nerves.”

Yoongii’s expression fell on the mention of his deceased bestie. “I know you hate how things turned out in your life. It wasn’t your fault, she would have definitely strived. We all are aware what a rebellious woman she was.” Jimin nods his head weakly. “If only she was here today, I’d be me. The deadly me.” Chortling at his own said words he stared out of the window. “Another day, another minute without you my love.”


“Hey Jimin!” Sora rushed to him. Her eyes longed to see him. Opening her arms she hoped for a warm hug from him. Jimin had other plans, or perhaps it was his personality. “Welcome back Sora.” He went with the formal handshake, leaving her embarrassed. Going on with the flow. “Why did you reject my hug?” His orbs dilated, confused by her question.

“I’m sorry? Was I supposed to hug you?” Seeing the confusion on his face. She knew the man standing in front of her had effortlessly failed to notice her love towards him. How could he easily ignore the pink shading her cheeks each time he gazed at her? Or those extreme loud heartbeats he garnered from her heart and the sole cause being him!

“It’s nothing, nevermind.” Laughing it off she placed a stone on her heart as every other time, “How was the conference?” On Jimin’s curiosity her faltered face glowed with shine. Ranting and updating him on each and every event that occurred. “The time that I spend with you always appears less to me.” Giggling, she playfully hits Jimin’s shoulder. He felt awkward by this action of hers.

“If Y/N was here she’d yell at me and break Sora’s neck.” Shivering at the thought of your possessiveness, he pushed his chair away from her. His guts pumped with adrenaline imagining all sorts of scenarios and the way you’d have handled this situation.

“Sora, you are an amazing sister to me.” Her lips sealed after the sudden thrown assertion by him. “Sister?” She whispers, hoping what she heard was a mistake. “Yes, a sister who always supports me.” Jimin beamed at her, thankful for the emotional support she had lent him in the past few months.

“I gotta go.” Before Jimin could say something she left his office. “Now I understand why he failed to reciprocate my feelings. There was no sort of affection to begin with from his side from the start. Me being the dumb me went on withe the hopes that someday he’d acknowledge I exist.” Locking the door of her cabin she sits down hugging her knees. Shedding tears of agony not bothering to muffle down her wails. The pain of rejection she felt was far more harsh than what she had imagined. To Jimin she was a sister, not a woman.

“Why Jimin? Why? Why can’t you look at me the way I do? What exactly do I lack in that you sis-zoned me? You’ve been the best gentleman anyone could ever be to me. All your actions and simplicity had me attracted to you. I wasn’t scared of you, in spite of knowing you are the dangerous killer ‘P’ there was no sort of threat your aura gave me. You’re the most kind hearted man I’ve crossed paths with. I won’t give up on you, either way you will have to love me. Kim Sora possesses everything a woman would desire. Beauty, fame, name and a cultured personality to mend me perfectly. You will dive into all these colors and accept me to be your other half. It shall happen soon, Park Jimin.”

“Has anyone seen Seora?” Jimin asked a nurse passing by. She shook her head going on her way. Nurses gossiped among themselves at the worried man searching the entire hospital. To them it was a lovely sight. After all, Jimin and Sora were the ideal couple according to them. “Mr Park Miss Sora is treating a patient she’ll get to you soon.” Sora’s assistant informed him. Hiding her leer from him. He thanked her and returned to his cabin.

“Mr Park loves her extremely.” Agreeing with the attendees standing a few feet away from her she joins them. “And sweetie it’s time for your treatment.” Sora held the needle in her hand crookedly sniggering at the patient. “You’ve been really problematic lately, I've heard. A shock treatment would help you fix those rusted brain cells dwelling inside your brain.”

Turning on the switch she wore her mask watching those three people yell and beg for it to stop. “Behave well or you’d be punished.” Increasing the level of the machine she blew on her nails settling herself down on the chair placed beside her. “And who is the next person to be rewarded?” Flipping through the page, she adjusts her glasses. Groaning at the shouting people.

“Keep it low, or better give me some headphones.” Plugging in some music she was filling out details of all the patients. “Is this the patient from room no 169?” The ward boy bobs his head.

“Yes doctor!!!!!!!” Thinking deeply for a moment she scribbles on the paper. “Bring them here next. We’ll be starting off with low testing then proceed further after taking into account their behavior.”

“What is Sora doing for so long?” Taehyung, who had just entered Jimin’s room, replied carelessly. “She’s busy with her shock treatments.” Jimin’s mouth hung open. “WHAT?” His voice echoed in the room. “Jeez chill, it isn’t the first time she's doing it.”

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