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“So you're claiming when you arrived at the scene she was already dead?” Taehyung enquired once again. “Yes sir.” The lad standing in front of him answered. Fearing for his life. “Very well then, I hope we don't meet each other anytime soon. And these statements come in handy. May I check the CCTV camera?” Sora nods her head guiding him to the security room.

“Sir, here's the footage.” On seeing the screen he tilts his head. A part of the portion wasn't recorded. “Where's the recording of the place she suicided?” Those men glanced among each other. Sora had gotten rid of cameras for that spot long ago. To not get into light with the police for illegal torture on her patients. Especially you since she had unknowingly developed personal enmity with you.

“There's no one who resided on that part so we thought it was better not to have any camera there. Haha!” She nervously chuckled. “I would like to examine the cell where she was found dead.” Shaking her head she denied his request. “I'll have to deny your request Mr Kim. The cell is rumored to be possessed by an old lady who was a patient in our hospital some ten years ago. Even before I started working here. I wouldn't permit you to risk your life.”

Coming up with an excuse she tried stopping him. “Well, if that's the case I gotta confirm it on my own. Let's go.” He strides towards the crime scene. You were moved away to another room before the police could arrive.

Initially Seora thought it must have been you who killed her. Her doubts went in vain after confirming you on sleeping dosage. “The body was found here. And there's a possessed cell right in front of that. This doesn't seem to connect any dots or lead us anywhere in this case.” Seora was internally panicking by now.

“What do you mean?” She low-key screamed. Making Taehyung raise his brow at her. “What was your nurse even doing here? Despite knowing this part of the hospital is possessed! No one's allowed to enter here.” Sora hadn't seen this coming. She knew Taehyung was a smart witted officer, making up theories and hinting at her lies shook her guts.

“I apologize I have no idea regarding this matter officer Kim.” Addressing him formally unlike the usual tone they spoke in, she quickly puts an end to his further accusations. “Alright then we'll book this case under suicide. Our team might show up any moment if any clue is found. I hope you're not hiding anything from me Sora?” His voice dropped an octave low threatening her.

“No I'm not, why will I?” Avoiding his piercing gaze she speaks. “Yeah I know but being a policeman I have to carry out all the legal processes humbly.” She huffed in a sigh of relief. Satisfied with her acting. Glad he didn't catch up on her.

“Is everything fine? What did Taehyung say?” Once he had left Jimin questioned her. “Yeah it is. He just asked for some basic information regarding the case. I don't understand why she killed herself. And at a very strange spot.”

Jimin frowned. “What do you mean by 'strange spot'? Wasn't it the place where a patient stayed whom you claimed was a really problematic one. Maybe she was behind all of this.” Sora shut her cabin door glaring at him.

“She didn't kill him and keep it low. The officers might suspect us.” Chuckling at her warning he shakes his head. “Oh! Come on Seora everyone knows it was a suicide case. Don't worry nothing's gonna happen. On a serious note though, what happened to the patient in that ward?”

She scribbled on her notepad. “She was shifted to a different room a week ago. After some nurses complained to the authority of experiencing paranormal activities from that place.” His brows creased in amusement. “Never knew this hospital was haunted. Damn! I might soon encounter a ghost.” Sora mentally laughed at his childish behavior. “Ghosts don't exist, Jimin.” She was eager to tease him, nevertheless held in her desire to do so.

“Well Good evening to you Sora.” Puckering her lips in question she wondered why he greeted her out of blue? “I repeat good evening Seora. Jimin repeats himself. Seora smiled at his bubbly personality. “Jimin, it's morning.” She reminds him. He shook his head. “I know it’s the peak time of the day. Me being a night person is due to some personal reasons.” Raising her brow she waits for him to finish.

“You might not actually like my justification. It’s apt only for me.” Assuring him she’s fine with whatever reasons he has. Seora raised her hand in the air, shrugging off his doubts. “Jimin, you don’t have to overthink.” Jimin was about to answer when they both jumped out of fright at the sudden appearance of a guy. “Sora release her!” Taehyung’s eyes burnt with fire. “Ha? Whom am I supposed to release?”

He held her wrist repeating once again. “I hate repeating myself. Free Y/N! Right now!” Her expression was unreadable. “Y/N? What is she doing here?” Being a doctor she doesn’t remember admitting anyone named Y/N. “Patient no 117,” he reminds her. She gulped facing Jimin. Who was as clueless as her. Glancing at Taehyung occasionally. Wondering why he suddenly chose to barge in? Rather than executing a plan along with him?

“Jimin, I had no idea he was related to Y/N.” She exclaims, afraid of him despising her. “What do you mean? She’s my fucking wife you’ve had her here throughout the year, right under my nose while I mourned and cried over her death.” This was all too much for her to take in.

“Let’s get her out of here.” Tightening his grip on her wrist he shoved her backwards. Rushing out with Jimin. “You can’t release a patient without the hospital’s permission, Jimin.” Shouting at him, she runs behind him. Ignoring her agitated yells. He stands in front of your room. Taehyung had already managed to get the key from the staff.

“Y/N!” His orbs bleamed with tears. “I’m taking you with me today. Finally, to our home.” His last words were a whisper. He couldn’t  believe it himself either; he was finally able to have you in his arms. Enveloping you in his warmth he cried miserably. Dampening your shoulders. Tilting your neck you stared at Sora. Who had betrayal written all over her face.

“My husband.” Mouthing to her you stroked his posture. Aiming to calm him down. “I’m here by your side now. Stop crying.” Taehyung was glaring at her. “Miss Sora you do acknowledge I could penalize you for enforced kidnapping and torturing of an innocent civilian don’t you? Along with all those people who had helped you in this vicious task.” “I didn’t mean to, we all thought she must be a patient.”

Holding your hand gently. Jimin walks out of the room. “I’ll burn this entire hospital down, don't underestimate me Sora.” Him warning her definitely instilled an eternal fear in her heart.

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