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“And this is where I've been staying for the past year. It ain't that big of a place still I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.” Welcoming you inside he rubs his nape embarrassingly. “Are you a teenager first time in love introducing your crush to where you live? Why are you so shy? We've been through the worst time together sleeping in a park during a rainy night. Quit the formalities and tell me where's the washroom I gotta take a bath. And get out of these clothes.”

Taehyung, who stood behind Jimin, scoffed. “The entire year I was there for this dude now that his wife is here he totally forgot me.” Jimin turned around smiling sheepishly at him. “My beloved Taehyung, I love you.” He giggled. “Oh- shit we have nothing to feed her. Let me cook something for her or better order take out. Tonight dinner is on me.” Dialing the nearby restaurant's number, Jimin was busy ordering food.

“Bro! WHAT THE FUCK? You've never cooked for me and kept on whining each time I asked you to: exclaiming to me how cooking would remind you of your precious Y/N. Now out of the blue you wanna be the man of the house?” Muting the phone he yelled loudly. “I love you too Taehyung-ah.” The former groaned. Feeling left out.

“Jimin's always been the childish one when it comes to these matters, you know that right?” Seeing you standing in front of him with your damp hairs and a smile on your face he couldn't help but agree. “Don't snitch on me after i reveal this secret to you but that guy is a huge ass simp for you. Each time we fought he always complained how he'd complain to you since you're his soulmate. And then in the end he'll start ranting on and about all the days he spent with you.”

“Are you serious?” Blinking your eyes you sat on the couch switching on the television. “Damn! Never thought he'd remember me when he's with her. Maybe I am the most loved person here. Nah! I indeed am the one.” Throwing his left arm around Jimin's shoulder who was scrolling through his phone searching for outfits he smirked at him. Now there's no way he wouldn't make use of the new found information from you. “So do you love me or Y/N more?”

Facing their direction the program long forgotten you were more interested in this topic now. Jimin felt the attention on him nervously fidgeting in his place. “Why are you asking this question? You know I love you both equally. Soulmate+ Wife = MY LIFE!”

Ignoring his words you both say in unison. “Choose one.” The poor man was left in a dilemma. “It's my wife.” Taehyung's expression fell. A sad pout formed on his lips. “You shouldn't be lying so damn skilfully Jimin. Stop troubling the guy and just break the ice already.”

Both the men had a disgusted look. “What do you mean by breaking the ice? It's pure brotherly love here.” Taehyung points out. “Yeah sure that's what I meant.” Resuming with the show you chewed on some popcorn. “Yes, it's my brother and soulmate whom I love most. It's the homie vibes for me.” Taehyung was grinning out of happiness. “IN YOUR FACE Y/N!” He screamed, leading for it to echo throughout the house.

“He chose me the same way now like he did in the past when that happened and you-” he ceased any further rambling, feeling the atmosphere thicken. “What do you mean by past? What happened in the past.” He shifted his orbs to you waiting for an answer. But couldn't particularly read anything from your blank expression.

“He's referring to that time when he stole my ice cream and pretended to be innocent and you took his support when we weren't dating and you were immersed to pursue me to date you.”

His mouth formed an 'o' shape laughing at the memory. “What a day it was. I still remember how pissed you were and didn't wanna speak with either of us. Because you weren't ready to believe his lies.” Pulling you both close to him with arms on either sides of your shoulders. Jimin was feeling unspoken emotions.

“You both are my favorite people and my best family. To celebrate our reunion, why don't we capture this moment?” Positioning his phone he clicked on the timer. Making a cheese pose. Once the click sound was heard he was admiring the photo. “We'll get this framed and have this nailed on this wall right next to the kitchen. Reminding us we are a happy family.”

“Yes we should.” He avoids meeting Jimin's eyes. “I'll be out for a while to get some groceries for dinner. Take care of Y/N for me and don't send her out anywhere alone. I'd love to have sent you out to get the stuff. Can't risk revealing the surprise dish. So I'll have to go. Online grocery shopping is easy but I wanna pick each and every vegetable out for dinner and then saute it with my affection.” Cringing at his words, Taehyung saluted.

“Cheesy Jimin is back on duty again.” Jimin playfully winked in your direction grabbing his coat ushering out to get done with the task. Once he was out and Taehyung had locked the door, your stone cold expression had left him scared. Sitting on the couch opposite to you. “I believe we fucking agreed not to mention that topic ever again. You think he'll be happy after knowing what happened in the past? Why the hell would you mention it now?”

Taehyung was enraged. “Why are you blaming it all on me? I agree it was my mistake to accidentally spill that out of enthusiasm. That doesn't mean you'll blame the entire thing on me. You were actively involved in that. How could you just forget the past? And pretend nothing happened? Speaking of Jimin being hurt, you really believe he wouldn't be once he finds out what we did behind his back? And you didn't reveal it to him? Despite being his wife. He's an open book to you. While you? You seem to hide endless secrets from him.”

“Are we really going to blame each other now? We wouldn't be here debating over this topic if you would have just kept your mouth zipped and not bothered revealing or giving hints of anything. That suspicious wave he sent in our direction wasn't something that I failed to acknowledge. You better clean up the mess you caused. I don't wanna ruin anything due to the past. I'm sure you wouldn't desire that either. And regarding me not revealing anything. Didn't you do the same? You could have come clean to him the next day. Yet you didn't. And we made the decision to hide it from him. Pretend like nothing ever happened after that day.”

He knew what you said was all right. “I'm aware of the situation and in deep guilt as well. Don't worry he won't get to know anything. I've made sure to get rid of every possible victim.” Vehemently banging the glass bowl you were holding onto. On the table in front of you. The anger that upsets your nerves frightened Taehyung.

“Stop fucking lying. You haven't gotten rid of shit. I told you that day to get rid of that last piece of evidence. You didn't bother taking my words seriously. Watch it yourself, here we are with that danger above our heads. Ready to rewind the past and expose all those secrets we've hid for so long.”

Taehyung couldn't control his rage either. Throwing the bowl away. Which led to some pieces landing on your leg. Hearing you hiss he got back into senses. “Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.”

He tried helping you but you refused to take his assistance. “Jimin would kill me if he finds I hurt her. Fuck the past he'll bury me alive in the present.” He could imagine all the possible scenarios he'd face once Jimin comes across this condition of yours. “This is nothing compared to the treatment I received in that pathetic asylum. Before our past is revealed we gotta wipe away the traces permanently.” He instantly agrees. Cleaning the shattered glass pieces from the floor.

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