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After finishing the dinner, which wasn't very jolly, it turned out to be a reticence. You helped Jimin clean up. Taehyung signaled you to come and meet him on the balcony. Finding a chance you excused yourself. “What do you wanna talk about? Isn't it enough revelation for today? Jimin would be suspicious if he saw us alone.” He points his fingers on his lips asking you to keep quiet.

“I apologize I should have listened to you in the past, you wouldn't have had to experience hell for a year.” Smiling acrimoniously you pat his shoulder. “Glad you got into your senses. Now do as I demand you to. End the game and finish what wasn't supposed to be started in the first place. Kill Sora, the last evidence which we failed to wipe out in the past. She's been nothing but a troublesome idiot in my life. Twist the story and make her the culprit in that murder case. Or do whatever would lead her to die. Make sure it's legal, no one should get a hint of her sudden death.”

He nods his head. “Don't worry, I've got it all planned. I won't repeat the same mistakes in the present. Since the day I've seen her with Jimin I was aware she must be up to something. Never could I imagine you were in that hospital or I would have saved you, after all you are my-” his words were left incomplete as Jimin interrupted him.

“Who will save whom?” The eering feeling in your heart frightened you at his sudden arrival. “Oh! Hey Jimin. I was giving my condolences to Y/N and apologizing. If you had known she was there we'd both have saved her earlier won't we?” Jimin didn't buy his excuse. Nonetheless, he accepted it for now. This didn't go unnoticed by you. Eyeing Taehyung he had caught onto his lies.

“Why don't you couple go ahead and sleep? It's already so late. I'm sure y'all have a lot of stories to share with each other. Now go!” Pushing Jimin and you out of the room he waved goodbye. Noticing the finger sign you made for him on your way to the room he gulped reading what it meant. “Shit- I should complete this without wasting any more time.”

Grabbing his coat he was ready to barge out. Restraining himself at the door. Wouldn't it be more suspicious if he left the house right now? There's no way he'd risk doing that. Knowing Jimin's personality it wouldn't take him an hour to decode everything and find the truth.

“Why now Sora why the fuck do you have to return into our lives? If I had killed you in the past we wouldn't have been through this situation right now. She was right. I should have got rid of you the day you found out the truth. The hidden secrets that lay submerged between me and Y/N. I wasn't part of any criminal activity in those years. Maybe I should have started it then, today I wouldn't be in this condition.”

Sitting on the chair his face was hidden behind his palms. Letting out a frustrated groan. Jimin caught his distressed state. He wanted to make sure what he heard on the balcony was true. Though he couldn't understand everything completely. Except the part of Sora knowing something that connected with you and him. And him being regretful to have not saved you.

“I'll have to make sure they don't get a chance to meet each other alone once again.” Getting inside his room he locked it. Seeing you already draped in the sheets. “Damn! Never knew I missed the feeling of sleeping in luxury.” Giggling he laid down beside you, spooning you in his arms. “Me either. Never could I have imagined I'd live the life of a widower for a year. With no hopes and dreams to share with anyone.” Pecking your forehead he lifts your chin staring right into your eyes, his legs tangled with yours.

“I don't fucking care what your past is or the secret you've kept away from me. You've been by my side in the present. Our past was remarkable though it had trials in each step which led us to separate. I wouldn't dare to choose another woman over you. I'm glad I got curious who that lady was to beat up my team mate that day. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be a playboy. When you publicly rejected me it broke my myth l was highly desired by each and every woman who would come across me on this planet. Wooing your heart wasn't an easy task. Since I won it, I have every right to claim you as only mine. And I won't permit anyone to steal away what's mine, not this time.”

Pecking your lips he ran his thumb on your cheek. “I still remember how helpless I felt when I got that body out of the house and begged those spectators and officers you were in there. The corpse I had got with me wasn't you. It can never be you. You've been the smart one all along. Saving my ass each time I put our safety into risk. And look I was right you're alive and in my arms finally.”

It all seemed like a beautiful dream to him. You've returned to his life and are in his arms. If it was really a dream. He wasn't intending to wake up, not when he could experience your love for him. “I love you!” Hearing those three words from you he was over the moon.

“I love you too, I damn sure do.” Switching off the bedside lamp he rocked your figure drifting off to slumber. A peaceful one after a year. He felt alive again. A genuine one this very time.


Slipping himself from your grip he kissed your cheeks. Knowing you won't wake up anytime soon. Whatever he had planned he had to execute it soon. Dressing up in a pair of joggers and hoodie he sneaked out of the house. Prior to this he had already booked a cab which stood at the end of the colony. Getting inside the car he instructed the driver to drive him to his destination.

“I don't know what's about to happen. But I wouldn't permit you to play dangerously all alone.” He parked in front of an apartment. Situated at the other end of the city. It was his first time visiting this place. It was a remote area with very few stores. “This place is low-key appealing to me. Had I known of this in the past? I'd have buried my victims here without worrying about anything. There's a hindrance in this. None would be aware of my artistic hands. Those amazing carvings I had done in the past. Can't believe I'm missing those good old days early in the morning.”

Climbing up the stairs of the building. He walked in the lobby stopping in front of a particular house. Ringing the bell. Sora was shocked to see him there. She wanted to close the door. He had already held it in his grasp. There was no way she could yell and call for help. Leaving her no other choice he entered inside. She hands him a glass of water sitting in the farthest couch of the room. Maintaining appropriate distance. He chuckled at her actions.

“You're being cautious around me? Weren't you the same woman until yesterday, who'd do anything to throw herself on me? Desperate for my attention. Despite me making myself clear I wanted nothing to do with you. I never made fun of your feelings towards me. Now I got to. You were the reason I was separated from my wife for a whole freaking year.”

Her body shook in fear at his outburst. “I'm not the one to be blamed here, it's your wife Y/N! The woman who fucking cheated on you.” Mustering all her courage she yelled on the top of her lungs.

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