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Wearing a mask, he walked inside the building. Showing his card. “Welcome!” Opening his arms he hoped for a hug but got none in return apart from a blank look. “How about we get straight to the business? And you give me what I’m here for.” He pretended to have got shot in his heart while handing the bag to Jimin.

“You’re no no fun, nevermind enjoy.” Scanning the bag he made sure everything was in there. Shaking hands with him completing the deal. Leaving the building secretly the exact way he had come. Jimin knew police had been tracking his each and every activity. Coming here was a really big risk he opted for.

Dumping the duffel case in a black car he starts driving. Glancing through the rear view mirror Jimin noticed a grey jeep following him. “Bloody motherfukers assume it's easy to hunt me down.” Taking a sharp U-turn he confuses the driver. Stopping his car in a tunnel, switching it with an oil maroon mercedes.

Throwing his mask to a bulky dude waiting for his arrival. He drives away coolly. His hair sways with the air. Jimin chuckled while parking his car in the garage. Shutting it down. “Idiots assume they’ve conquered the world. While they don’t even acknowledge the world ain’t flat rather round. You’re running in those rounds. One that I’ve drawn you’ll play as I desire you to.”

Carrying the bag with him he locks it in a cupboard. Sleeping on the cold bed his eyes fell on your side of the mattress. Reminiscing all those moments he had spent with you.


One year into dating him, running away from the city and getting married hurriedly your life was one hell of a ride. “Hey, don't smash those pillows so damn hard on me.” Reciprocating his actions you hit him with a different pillow laughing in unison. The bed was sprawled with litters of cushion fur.

Plopping down on bed Jimin smiled at you. “Jimin,” “hmm?” Draping his right arm on you he inclines himself on his left palm. “What if I’m in a really risky situation some day? One that you can’t get me out of?” Jimin huffed at your curiosity. “There isn’t any circumstance that I can’t solve. I’ll always protect you and keep you safe by my side.”

He rubbed his nose with you. Balancing his arms on either side of the head board. “I trust you Chim.” Jimin covered the sheets over you both, tickling your frame. Giggles of happiness echoed in the room.


“Today we have everything. Starting off as a couple possessioning nothing. We've achieved every luxury we had dreamt of. What’s the use of having these? When you aren’t with me? I have everything but it’s equal to nothing without you wifey.” Chuckling bitterly he sprawled his arms on your side of bed.

A ring from his phone interrupted his melancholic thoughts. “Hello.” Jimin answered the call. “Yes you’re speaking to Park Jimin.” “Ok! I’ll be there.”


You were brought inside the courtroom. Earlier in the week a lawyer had visited you and noted all the required detailing from your point of view. Bowing to the judges the trial commenced. “Your honour, my client Park Y/N, is innocent and has been falsely accused. She’s been framed and put into prison without an arrest warrant. That isn’t just it. Officer Mina is reported to have tortured her enforcing to take complete blame on herself.”

Glancing at Mina you saw her clenching her jaw. Only today did you find out what her name was. “So her name is Mina.” Jimin took note of her identity. “From your permission I’d like Mrs Park to come up to the witness box.” The judge granted his plea.

Standing in the witness box you swore to not lie. Mentally deriding the false promise you had made. “Miss Y/N what were you doing at the crime scene?” Mina glared in your direction. “I was passing by and happened to hear a loud gunshot. Fearing my life I started running. Sadly luck wasn’t on my side and I faced an ankle cramp, due to which I had to sit on the floor. At the same time police arrived and arrested me without hearing my side of the story. I tried explaining myself to officer Mina, but she didn’t listen to me. Instead slapped and garnered my body with high volts electric shock. Throwing away the food my husband had sent for me.”

Low gasps reverberated in the room. “Order! Order!” Judicial head commanded. Silencing the chaos. “Miss Y/N do you stand on your words?” The old man strictly asked. “Yes I do your honour. There’s nothing for me to lie about or hide from the law. You could monitor the CCTV footage to prove my innocence. I demand justice for this ill treatment leathered on me.”

He scribbled something on his paper. “I’d like to direct a few questions to Miss Y/N.” Opposition's lady prosecutor urged for a questionnaire. “Permission granted.” “Miss Y/N why would you go to the mall at that odd hour? As per what I know, aren't you a business corporator?”

Scoffing at her words you reply. “Excuse me? What sort of a lame question is this? I went to the mall to buy clothes for myself. Nevertheless, before I could purchase any stuff that incident occurred.”

She scowled at you. “You’re clearly lying Miss Y/N.” Your lawyer spoke up in defence. “Stop wasting the court’s time Miss Lou, my client is innocent.” Gritting her teeth she stepped back. “We’ll be having another hearing after the break hours. The court is dismissed.” Your hands were cuffed again. Jimin jogged to the judge, whispering something in his ear.

He excused himself by handing a slip to the younger male. Jimin shoved the paper in Mina’s face. “Set my Y/N free. I have permission until the break ends.” Mina didn’t know how Jimin could do this? No law permits such legal assortment. He had managed to conquer it. Her trains of suspicions had expanded.

Wrapping his arms around your shoulders he brings you in an empty room locking the door behind him. “I've missed you wifey.” Hugging him you burst into tears. “Hush! I’ve cleared any sort of witness or evidence that would prove you guilty.” Kissing you he cried along.

“I hate that Mina, she’s a stupid whore. Once I’m out of here I’ll torture and painfully kill her.” Despite being a prisoner the fire in your heart to burn her existence down was flaring with every passing second. “We’ll do it. Have patience for me mhm?” Caressing your knuckles, Jimin pecked your forehead.

“I’ve brought lunch for us. Act strong, you did well. As for Lou, I'll bribe her with money, you shouldn’t worry about that part.” Unwrapping the food he was explaining all his future plotting to you.

-2:00 P.M.-

Jimin sat cross legged on his seat. Encouraging you, making a small fist sign. “The previous session hearing proved Miss Park Y/N was innocent. Considering lack of any strong evidence or witness against her. Henceforth it proves she’s innocent. I announced her to be set-” His words were cut short. Hearing a loud yelp of objection. “Your honour I can prove Y/N’S crime.” Mina ran inside the court, smirking viciously.

“This case has been facing several sorts of complications from the very start. To clear all your queries, I’ve connected all the dots. Y/N didn’t kill him.” Jimin was staring at her. Debating what was this heinous woman up to now?

“In fact, it was her husband Park Jimin who shot him. Y/N and Jimin are not any ordinary couple. They are the infamous murder ‘P.’ The serial killer who has aroused fear in every individual's heart.”

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