Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning, feeling absolutely drained. My body was still aching from last night's events.

I slowly rubbed my eyes as I sat up straight. I looked over at Junho's bed. He avoided eye contact with me. Last night's conversation seemed to have created tension between us.

"Participants prepare yourselves for game number 5. For this game you will need to form duo's" I heard through the speakers. I got out of bed and made my way over to Gihun and his group. I saw that Junho had already beaten me to it. "Does anyone want to form a team with me?" I asked them. "I'm sorry, I think everyone already formed duo's" Ali said. I looked over at the last remaining person.


"Looks like we're partners!" she said and swung her arm around my shoulder. I pushed her away. "Whatever" I said as I walked towards the gate. The guards guided us to the play field. "Are you sure you want to team up with her?" I heard. I looked next to me to see Junho. "Why? Are you scared I might die?" I asked. "Do you care about me?" I mockingly added. "I just don't think she's the right partner for you" he said. "Why don't you mind your own business" I said before walking away.

He looked at me one last time before making his way over to Gihun. It seemed like they were a duo. We entered the room and arrived on a set which consisted out of fake houses and alleyways. The houses reminded me of my youth. "Contestants you and your partner will each receive a small bag. Inside that bag you will find 10 marbles. Whoever manages to gather 20 marbles before the time has finished, wins" we heard.

"You will all be competing.."

"Against your partner" we heard through the speakers. My eyes widened as I looked at Minyeo. "Looks like we are enemies now" she laughed. We both got handed our marbles. I made my way over to her. "Goodluck" I smiled at her and placed my hand on her shoulder. A guard was assigned to watch us. "This place reminds me of my childhood" I said. "Really?" Minyeo asked. I nodded. "Should we look around before starting to play?" I asked. "I mean.. sure" she hesitantly said.

"You go first" I kindly smiled at her. She walked in front of me and I turned around to face the guard. "20 marbles" I said and handed him two small bags. "You guys didn't say how we were supposed to gather them. I am simply following the given instructions" I said. Minyeo turned around. "Are you coming?" she asked. I turned to face her. The guard grabbed both of the bags and counted the marbles.

Minyeo's eyes widened. "What did you do!?" she freaked out. "A-Are those mine?" she asked as she rushed over to us. The guard counted 20 marbles and gave me a thumbs up. "W-Wait.. when did you.. how-" Minyeo said in shock. The guard signalled for me to follow him.

"You bitch! You filthy bitch!" Minyeo screamed at me. "This isn't fair!" she protested. "This is-" she started but the guard pulled out his gun and shot her. I looked at her dead body. I felt numb inside. "Player 212, eliminated" I heard through the speakers. The guard guided me back to the main room. I was the first one back.

Junho's P.O.V

"So we will have to compete against each other?" I asked. Gihun nodded. "I'm sorry for whatever is going to happen here" he said. "I shook my head. We shouldn't feel sorry. We are both here for a reason. We will play fairly" I said. He agreed and we both sat down to play. We played a game where you had to guess whether the amount of marbles in the other person's hand were even or uneven.

"Even" I said as Gihun held out his fist. He turned his hand and opened it, revealing 4 marbles. "How many did you put?" he asked. I opened my fist to reveal 5 marbles. Since I guessed the amount of marbles in his hand correctly, he had to give me 5 marbles. I turned around and put three marbles in my hand. I turned back around to face Gihun and held out my fist. "Uneven" Gihun said. I slowly opened my hands, revealing the marbles. "How many did you put?" I asked him.

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