The Beginning of DarkClan

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Lionstar woke up a week later, fully prepared to go to the Gathering to meet his brother and sister, Tigerclaw and Spottedleaf, there. "All those going to the Gathering, come with me!" his yowl echoed through the camp. Rippleclaw slid out of the Nursery to nuzzle Thornwhisker before turning around to her kits. Firepelt also exited the Nursery and was standing behind Lionstar.

The two apprentices and Thornwhisker followed her and the group departed. The moon steadily rose and was it's highest. By the time Darkclan had arrived, the clearing was packed. But when a new scent was washed over the other clans, they turned curious, to DarkClan.

"Lionblaze!" an outraged voice spoke.

"I am no longer Lionblaze, warrior of ThunderClan. I am Lionstar, leader of DarkClan." Lionstar calmly said, flicking his tail to his clanmates who went to rekindle their friendship between the other clans.

"You do not belong here. Put on your brave face and get out of here." Thistleclaw hissed menacingly. Lionstar just climbed Great Rock and twitched his ear toward the sky.

"Do you really think so? If StarClan was displeased, they would have sent clouds to cover the moon. Yet it is shining fully. I have a more right to be here than you Thistleclaw." he replied, Lionstar's voice was commanding. Thistleclaw flattened his ears and sat down, whispering to Tigerpaw.

"Let the Gathering begin!" wheezed WindClan's leader, Heatherstar. White flecks covered her muzzle. "Shall you go first, Crookedstar?"

Crookedstar nodded, stepping forward into the light. "Oakheart and Foxcloud has driven away a couple of foxes that were sniffing our borders. It looks like they crossed into Windclan's territory. Reedkit, Flowerkit, and Mintkit have become apprentices and are currently here." he said. Looking down, Lionstar saw a white patched pelt of Flowerpaw, a greenish pelt for Mintpaw, and a tawny color for Reedpaw. They all looked vaguely familiar, thought Lionstar.

Crookedstar dipped his head to Lionstar and Lionstar stepped forward. "When Bluestar exiled me, I have taken my mate, Firepelt, Thornwhisker, my loyal companion, and his mate, Rippleclaw. My two kits, Bramblekit and Whitekit have reached their sixth moons and have become Bramblepaw and Whitepaw, apprenticed to both Thornwhisker and Rippleclaw. If any wish to, please feel free to join us. We border WindClan, a Thunderpath, and TwoLeg Place." Lionstar explained before acknowledging Bluestar.

Lionstar gave Bluestar a cold, hard stare that penetrated her firm air. "What Lionstar says is true. I congratulate him on forming his Clan and I have nothing to report except full bellies at Camp."

Heathersar stepped forward. "There also is no news in WindClan, except for Talltail becoming my deputy." Mews of congratulations were issued amongst the cats underneath Great Rock and Lionstar leaped gracefully off of it. Landing with a soft thump! on the forest floor, he flicked his tail and left with his Clanmates in tow.

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