Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Jacqueline Tran

Author’s Note:

Hey guys, I accidentally forgot that I left a part of the story regarding the fight in chapter 13 or something, but then I figured out that it was the best option to do that, so here’s the next chappie. Enjoy :D

Chapter 15


Rippleclaw watched as Cherrypaw limped away from the battle field, whimpering in pain. Her wound had once again opened up, and a thin stream of blood started to trickle down from her shoulder, and she was panting heavily, leaning against Pure. Rippleclaw turned to Whitepaw, who was still unconscious against the tree. ‘When can I give up these lies?’ she thought in dismay. She grabbed Whitepaw by the scruff, and began to slowly pad back to Camp, and she smelled Lionstar’s scent.

It refreshed her and gave her the strength to continue carrying Whitepaw, but Cherrypaw had collapsed behind her. “Cherrypaw,” Pure gasped, and he quickly licked her shoulder.

“Pure, stop,” Rippleclaw muttered, and she shoved him out of the way. She licked Cherrypaw’s shoulder, and she looked at Pure, about to tell him to find cobwebs before she remembered that he wouldn’t know anything about then. “Go follow Lionstar’s scent and find him. Tell him that we are close to the Great Meadow. He’ll send my kit, Silverkit, with herbs. Go!” Pure raced off. Rippleclaw dragged her tongue over Cherrypaw, making sure to stem the blood from further trickling through.

Whitepaw got up, shaking her head, and got up, groaning. “What happened?” she groaned, walking woozily.

“A fox threw you across the clearing, into a tree,” Rippleclaw mewed, gesturing with her tail.

“What happened with Cherrypaw?” she gasped. Her fur was sticking up in shock.

“She was fighting in the battle, and the fox made her reopen her wound. Pure went back to Camp to get Silverkit,” Rippleclaw mewed quickly, and Lionstar trampled through the bracken.

“Rippleclaw, help me carry Cherrypaw back to Camp,” he ordered, grabbing onto her scruff.

“Why? What happened,” Rippleclaw inquired, alarmed as she hurriedly went under Cherrypaw’s stomach to alleviate her.

“Firepelt is kitting,” Lionstar explained, and the group tread back quickly to the Camp.

“Really? Is Silverkit with her?” Lionstar shook his head.

“Silverkit and Bramblepaw went to go get Barkface to help with the kitting,” he explained and they trampled through the Camp Entrance. Cherrypaw was unceremoniously let go of, and Lionstar hurried to the Nursery. Rippleclaw carried Cherrypaw to the Medicine Cat den, where Pure was pacing.

“Pure, you stay and watch Cherrypaw, I have to go watch my kits,” Rippleclaw ordered, before she shot out of the den towards the Nursery. She found her kits huddled in her nest, watching the kitting with wide eyes.

“Kits, let’s go outside and give them some room,” Rippleclaw suggested, and she led Shadowkit and Ratkit out.

“What’s happening?” Shadowkit inquired, as they sat by the fresh kill pile.

“Firepelt is kitting, so some new kits will be joining you in the den,” Rippleclaw replied, watching the Camp entrance with wary eyes. Suddenly, Bramblepaw bursted forward from it, followed by Barkface and a panting Silverkit.

“Hurry up,” Bramblepaw growled, and he shot towards the Nursery. Barkface sprinted in, and Silverkit stumbled. When they had fully entered, Bramblepaw sat down, and looked around. He spotted Rippleclaw, and came over. “Hi Rippleclaw.”

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