The Beginning of DarkClan

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Cherry's POV

Earlier that night....

"Bye, Cherry. I'll see you tomorrow!" Pure said after licking her ears.

"Goodyvte, Pure," she thought to herself. After his silver tail-tip disappeared into his house, Cherry dropped to the floor, and stealthily creeped away. When she found the scents of the wild-cats, she stalked along it. There weren't many twist and turns, though the forest was very dense.

Suddenly, Cherry spotted a broken house with leaves, moss, and vines coating it's exterior.

"Silverkit, get back here!" she heard a voice yowl and a kit, the pelt a silvery tabby, was running around being pursuited by a full-grown ginger cat. She missed an exchange because somebody else spoke.

"Shadowkit, you and Silverkit should be asleep with Ratkit. Now go back to rest," a familiar voice scolded lightly.

"But we were listening to a story about the ancient Clans!" a voice protested. Cherry in closer, eager to learn mre.

"Those kits," the ginger spoke now," one minute, I'm telling how courageous LionClan is. The next. Silverkit is running, yowling her head off about how she is going to be faster than CheetahClan."

"They're kits. Bramblepaw and Whitelaw once did that, remember?" the golden tom spoke. "Rippleclaw, get some rest. I want you, Bramblepaw, and Thornwhisker to check out the borders." Rippleclaw padded away Ito the bathroom.

"I'm exhausted. I'll see you in the den later, Firepelt," Lionstar yawned. He padded off into the closet.

"The Warrior den is so empty these days," Firepelt commented.

"Indeed. Though we still need a medicine cat, Bramblepaw and Whitepaw will be warriors soon and my kits will be on their way to learning the arts of the warrior unless one of them is to become a medicine cat," Thornwhisker replied.

"Weird names, warriors, borders...these cats are so mousebrained!" Cherry thought.

"Starclan has bless us with kits," Thornwhisker remarked warmly.

"Indeed, but Whitepaw seems certain that she won't find a mate. She is intent on creating her own Clan, just like her father. But I've told her that StarClan controls her destiny," Firepelt replied.

"StarClan? What utter rubbish," Cherry whispered to herself, leaning in closer to learn about Whitepaw. To herself, she thought,"what if I start my own Clan? People would fear my name everywhere!" She heard a yowl of fury behind her and a sudden rush of wind blew. Claws bursted out and cut deep into her side. Thornwhisker rushed out, his claws extended, but Cherry's attacker held her down with a paw. "Lemme go!" Cherry hissed, squirming to free herself.

"Answer some questions first, then we'll decide if we do," her attacker said.

"I just wanna join your Clan!" Cherry whimpered. "I know I'm leaving pure, but I need to do this?" she added. A wisp of wind blew over by her attacker, Lionstar, and he had a whispered conversation with Thornwhisker. The light orange cat, Firepelt, came up to Cherry.

"What's your name?" she inquired.

"I-I-It's Cherry," Cherry stammered, surprise bolting through her.

"It is decided," Lionstat announced,"Cherry is allowed to join DarkClan!" Cherry let out a yowl of delight. "But, Firepelt will be her guide and Cherry is my apprentice!" Lionstar added. Firepelt nudged Cherry into the den.

"Come into the warmth. Since you're not officially an apprentice until sunhigh tomorrow, you have to stay in the Nursery. I'll give you a tour in the morning," Firepelt explained, leafing Cherry into the den. As she lay a nest snuggled against Siverkit, Ratkit, Shadowkit, and their mother Rippleclaw (Firepelt was sleeping with Lionstar in his den), Cherry thought to herself, "Maybe this life will be better for me....."

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